I reckon that's not a bad line through Druids at all: late turn in, miss the 1st apex, hit the 2nd apex and straight out onto the run for Lodge.
thanks Chris,
and just to be clear for Big Dipstick[

(I knew you wouldn't be able to resist having a go, obviously having all those cats is rubbing off - MEEOOWWW)
The following is my opinion and is only an opinion on driving this corner at Oulton.
The reason that line is taken is for the very fact mentioned above, that you can start to accelerate from the 'back' of the corner rather than the 2nd apex, which on most occassions gives more exit speed and a straighter line onto the straight as is evident when you compare videos, it's not for everybody or every situation, but just my preference in most situations.
It also means that you are more in control of the steering when you go over the dip, which you can cross more to the centre of the track(where it is milder) rather than near to the rumble strip(where it is more severe), and this is where a lot of cars steering goes light for an instant as they accelerate while still having on significant steering input and then they get flicked off.
I chose this line from a number of instructors advice over the years going to Oulton Park starting in 1996 on the Nigell Mansell Racing School courses(crikey how time flies), you pays your money and takes your choice on the day and on the lap. There is no special law of physics which says that I can't use the 'standard' racing line that BD has taken from the textbook.
It would be interesting to see what the exit speeds are for both lines with the same car.
I would say that you do get held up on a track day waiting for some cars to move out of the way on the exit as you can only overtake on the left and most of the time they don't realise that you have approached them as quickly as you have.
If it was a race and there was only the 2 cars involved at the time, you could overtake on the inside of the corner pretty soon after the 2nd apex.
You do have to be careful as with any corner. The main issue is making sure that you don't get one of your wheels on the grass/gravel on the left if you run a bit too close to the edge. I did this in the track Capri but managed to recover it and come back onto track and just carry on(also with the 968 but on a different corner), thinking back I think I was able to do this because the car was in effect facing pretty much down the straight rather than at the Armco so maybe that's a point in favour of this line.[

So as I mentioned not for everybody in every situation and I have certainly NEVER insisted that that is THE CORRECT LINE, but maybe something to try for yourself if the track is clear and conditions are good, you might just like the feeling of being able to overtake sometimes more expensive machinery on the exit.[

BD ...... get a life it's now getting boring. [8|]
(Some advice for him with the vendetta. Always a bad idea setting yourself up as a driving god, especially if you've already written off at least 1 968 showing off to your mates how good a driver you are.[
