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944 Values

I like the look of Ricks car except the wheel arches but its all down to personal taste. Given the amount of money spent on it, someone will get themselves a very fine motor indeed.
ORIGINAL: wibble

[FONT=arial"][FONT=verdana,geneva"]sc0tty is actually a decent bloke in the flesh, as opposed to the virtual sc0tty. He fanatical about 944s and anything Porsche.

He just enjoys lighting the blue touch paper and standing back for the flack. Unfortunately, most fall for it.

Hi Tony,

What you don't see is the correspondance that goes on off-forum.

I've had to warn James Scott tonight that any further threatening behaviour on his part will be reported to the Police. You might say I'm "falling for it", but I don't spend my free time administering a forum to be subject to that level of abuse. [:mad:]
Paul, your efforts to keep this forum a reasonable place to visit and reflective of the inherent qualities of the Porsche brand are, I'm sure, appreciated by the sensible majority. Modding a forum is a thankless task.

So, thanks.
Sorry to come in on the back of this. What has James done this time? Is it his frank and open opinion about the bodywork mods to the grey 944? I have to say that whilst I may not put it as bluntly as James, all those louvres and extra slots do not really suit thesmooth shape of the 944 do they?. You have to remember the 944 is an eighties design and at nearly sixty years old I kind of see it as the work of someone from a completely different generation. It grated when I first saw it, but then I never have been into those sorts of mods. However much you might think James posts are rude, and in your eyes controversial, it is after all an opinion expressed openly. Is the 944 forum in universal agreement that this 944 is a looker?

I remember reading somewhere in these "hallowed" forums the phrase "dipped in glue and driven through halfords" and not a one of us took exception to that so it is ok for us to ridicule others who do read nuts and the other magazines referrred to, who are not fortunate enough to own a 944 or other Porshce, but heaven forbid we should look at ourselves and be more self effacing. If this is the basis for James' ban then I can understand James being indignant and his subsequent anger at his disbarrment.

I am not James' keeper and once again I have come in on the back of this. I have tried not to speak complete boll***cks, but that is hard if one doesn't know the whole story. So, if there is more to this than just his strongly worded commments then please post. We have to be able to express our opinions without fear of censure. Any way this is food for thought and will be my one and only post as James' regional organiser. I thought that proportionate response was appropriate but adjective are coming to mind that could get me into trouble.

I personally think that the original styling of the 944 was pretty much bang on especially with the S2 front, and not a lot canbe done to improve it.I have to say that the styling of that 944 is not to my own personal tatse and my Turbo cab only has that fat loud tail pipe because it was on there when I bought it and I am too tight to replace it. Any way what do I know my car has a folding roof. Goodnight gentlemen, sleep well.
So, if there is more to this than just his strongly worded commments then please post. We have to be able to express our opinions without fear of censure. Any way this is food for thought and will be my one and only post as James' regional organiser. I thought that proportionate response was appropriate but adjective are coming to mind that could get me into trouble.

Hi John. I'm only replying to this on the forum as you've publically asked the question, normally I'd expect to keep this to a private conversation.

You've seen the abusive e-mails sent to me, and my reply that I will go to the Police if there are any further threats. That alone is enough to ban someone from a forum, you aren't allowed to speak to people that way.

You won't have seen the deleted post here yesterday, but again it's not acceptable so would have got him put on moderation at least. His threat to make the moderator's lives hell with numerous new IDs is another reason to ban him.

More importantly, he came back with a new user name after being put on moderation, as you know. This, again, is against forum rules. As I said to you, providing he stuck to Region matters and stayed anonymous I didn't care, but within a few posts he'd come back to the 944 forum, and posted in his old manner; rudely and with lots of emoticons. Of course the comment on it's own wouldn't do more than annoy people, but it immediately outed his new ID and so he effectively banned himself by putting his head above the parapet having been told, by you last Sunday, not to do so.

That's four reasons already. As if that's not enough, consider why James was repeatedly put on moderation before. His inability to be polite caused many Club members to complain; again you won't have seen many of his posts as we deleted the worst ones, but he was repeatedly in breach of the forum rules. Every time he promised to change, every time he escalated his unpleasantness until Club members complained and the moderators had to deal with him.

I know you would prefer the forum to be members-only, and one of James' complaints was that non-members could criticise his posts as a member. Sadly, we don't have a rule that members can be abusive and rude, and plenty of Club members complained that he was bringing the forum in to disrepute.

Rest assured that the moderators and admin have better thing to do than pick on one poor forum user; this runs in to many hours of work and dozens upon dozens of increasingly abusive posts. There is, of course, an appeals proceedure if any forum user feels they've not been given a fair hearing, but after the e-mails James has sent I would be surprised if anyone felt his banning was unjustified and I'm sure you agree.
Lets not confuse the right to free speech with deliberately provocative or antisocial behaviour.
Some people seem to develop a form of Tourettes when they get under the cloak of virtual invisibility. There are plenty of places on the internet where this kind of outlet is tolerated but other places where it is not. Any kind of institution will have house rules and those that wish to belong could at least maturely abide by those or take their exclusion on the chin.

Freely expressing views is one thing, being a deliberately unpleasant keyboard warrior (and one that potentially tars all Club members with the same brush) is quite another.
Just as long as James is getting a fair crack of the whip. I don't get to see many of James' emails, though this time around he did send something. I have emailed him urging him to keep his cool and to make a conscious decision not to re-enter the forum with another pseudonym with the warning that he could find himself an ex memeber if he gets found out. (if it is not already too late). It is now James choice as to how he moves forward. I know the board take a dim view of this and of course this sort of negative interactivity will always lead to the obvious question of do we need the forum? We know it has been mooted at more than one AGM/ Workers Conference. Thanks for the background info, and Paul, I know you have troubled yourself to speak to James personally. I have no problem with airing the facts Paul so there is no need to apollogise. Other interested parties might llike to seee the "workings in the margin"
Lets lock this topic now.

Ah thats alright then - clearly its everyones else's fault and not his

I suggest you meet the man himself at the next R19 meet. Rumour has it that we're a bunch of petrolheads with a sense of humour.
It is interesting that I was recently reading a research paper about people's online personas and it is often the case the the real world and virtual world personas are completely different. Often people feel that they will never come across the other virtual people in the real world and so they can behave any way they like. The sad part is that in quite a few cases the virtual personas are starting to cross into the real world as people can no longer distuinguish real from virtual.

This forum is generally a very pleasant place to be and with odd exception members/non members are not abusive to each other. You only have to spend some time on pistonheads to see the above in action. In the last two-three years it has become a whole lot less of a friendly place to be with the genuine enthusiasts taking a back seat to the flamers and wind up merchants.

I can't believe Rick's car is up for sale at £7k. What a bargain! If I had £10k to spare I'd be needing a bigger garage about now.

Personally, I think the wide wheel arches are the only thing I don't like on it "¦ but I'm prepared to bet that even they look better in the flesh.

Then again, my own car is a bit "˜Marmite' too I suppose.
ORIGINAL: wibble

Ah thats alright then - clearly its everyones else's fault and not his

I suggest you meet the man himself at the next R19 meet. Rumour has it that we're a bunch of petrolheads with a sense of humour.

I know he is fine "in real life" but the way he conducted himself on here was not and it certainly was not "humourous" by any definition of the word (however loosely anyone is prepared to stretch that definition).

Why do people think they can get away with a totally different set of rules as to how to relate to their fellow man just because they are sat in their undercrackers typing messages on a forum rather than speaking to someone face to face ? Keyboard warriors are just sad, nothing more nothing less.
Probably a sound bloke face to face, but the way he responds to people on here with a sharp tounge would certainly get him a serious left upper cut, certainly in these parts, i do not always agree with posters comments/ opinions, but keep schtum and do not attack them with the keyboard.
Needs to keep off the "brave stuff" and take a chill the main i do not like 944's messed about with bodywise but the additional arches and stance on Rick's car look right IMO.
Why did this guy spend so much time badmouthing all and sundry yet his main contribution to the forum was that if you did any work yourself you were some sort of moron who owned a wreck. I said at the time when he badmouthed me and my car he was a total arse and thats the end of it.I get the feeling that some people liked his rants on the forum in the same way that schoolchildern love a fight after school. This is a forum to help fellow owners out and avoid paying huge avoidable bills to keep our cars running not a bunch of kids who want to shout fight fight fight.
"Oh no they won't."

"Oh yes they will!"

"Sc0tty's be-hind you "¦"


Pantomime over, I think. Back to 944 values. I have to say, I was starting to get convinced that for good, known cars the prices were staring to level out. At least amongst the cognoscenti of the clubs, forums and mailing lists. But then I see a car the quality of Rick's for sale at £7k and realise that values are still well and truly in the dumpster. Only a couple of years ago, a well modified Turbo was commanding £10k.

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