Funnily enough that very much echoes my experience of one recently too Peter. Whilst my 911 was in for service I took the opportunity to test drive a Taycan Turbo. There's no doubt it's an incredible piece of engineering and I too was amazed at how well it masks 2.2 tonnes

Overtaking in it was just stupid — because there's no lag whatsoever, you stick your foot down and you're instantly catapulted past whatever you're overtaking. It has to be experienced to be believed really.
If I had to travel a lot, I think the driving assistance technology in the Taycan would be a real boon — I loved the lane keep assist coupled up with the ACC. InnoDrive is very, very clever (it "knows" what the road ahead looks like, so takes corners at appropriate speed, and, very impressively, also knows the speed limit — never get a ticket again, just let the car set the speed limit itself!) This kind of tech is antithetical to sports car ownership of course, but switch it all off and just take the Taycan for a 'spirited' drive and it's surprisingly amusing.
But after 4 hours of being in the car I had mixed feelings. On the one hand I felt like I was driving the future, it was so far advanced from anything else I've ever driven, on the other hand the whirring noise (even with the sports sound off) got a little tiresome. That's a subjective thing I suspect. Call me old fashioned, but I do like the sound of an ICE. And, I suspect, like many folks here, I also rather favour the sound of a flat six.
If I were a rich man with a need for an every day car and a garage big enough to fit a GT3 Touring in too (ah, one can but dream) I can honestly say I'd buy a Taycan today. They are amazing. But I'd absolutely need a car with an internal combustion engine too.
I'll just have to stick with the 911 as my one car for now. Not exactly a hardship #firstworldproblems