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Are Spyders Becoming Extinct At OPCs!

ORIGINAL: MrDemon All the switchable ones are too loud when turned on it seems. Total bypass .
So Tubi isnt switchable or am I missing something hear[:D][:D]
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ORIGINAL: daro911
ORIGINAL: MrDemon All the switchable ones are too loud when turned on it seems. Total bypass .
So Tubi isnt switchable or am I missing something hear[:D][:D]
you must be missing some thing :) it's not switch able.
ORIGINAL: MrDemon you must be missing some thing :) it's not switch able.
How much is that lot. What is the sound difference/tone between PSE and Tubi. What is the volume differences[&o]
its 2.3k :-( not sure about the sound, just have to go on youtube vids, and it seems to be the nicest but as the Spyders only got a small 48mm exhaust I can use the Cayman R 55mm exhaust on the spyder or move the 55mm Tubi to the spyder when I sell the R next year. I was tempted to just buy the Gert modded standard 55MM R exhaust for £1.2k, he mods it to sound louder than the PSE and of course it's 55mm not 48mm. trying to think about weight savings on the Spyder for next year and my Spyder mods over the winter. aim is 260bhp and 1200kg's with the Spyder for 2015.
ORIGINAL: MrDemon its 2.3k :-( not sure about the sound, just have to go on youtube vids, and it seems to be the nicest
Unless you can hear it live on another 987 it's far to risky IMO chucking that much money at something that could be a total step in the wrong direction Youtube video recordings are hardly an indication of what is actually going on from the cockpit in my experiences [:D] If you go ahead I can then hear it in real time [;)]
ORIGINAL: daro911
ORIGINAL: MrDemon . When you sit in a GT3, you could be sitting in a 25k Boxster Porsche don't change the interior on the more expensive cars, so you loose that feeling of excitement when you spend double or 4x the price. I think if the R8 v10 plus looked like a lambo inside I would have bought one by now as it was a great drive.
It's a fair point but Porsche has always been conservative. The function is paramount and the form less so. No unnecessary thrills that don't add to the function. That's actually why I like them. I don't actually like extra event and drama if it doesn't add to performance. I guess that's why I wouldn't spend good money on a sports exhaust to go louder rather than faster and Porsche is starting to offer these things to satisfy the varied market. But that's just me. And some of these cars in the upper leagues don't go much faster for all their evocative shapes, complex engines and sound track. That's what I mean by upper tiers. Not necessarily faster but add those elements to the experience for those who need that. And then you've got even higher tiers that are literally a road legal race car. I think the Porsche interior isn't flamboyant but it probably wouldn't be any better if they chose to differentiate the GT3 interior from a Boxster. I think they view it as having given the lower cars an interior worthy of the higher models rather than the other way around[:D]. I fully understand your point though.
I think you both make some great points but flat6 I have to say that having owned 12 x Porsches since coming to the brand/party up until 981/991 era their lack of audio drama for so many years the number 1 useable sports cars in the world for decades has always left me perplexed[&o] These cars do need to sound the part and finally after so long Porsche has made a move in the right noises direction but sadly still only as an expensive "option" and not standard kit on all but the very base models at the very least IMO Hats off to Jag who have given every F Type above the base model a soundtrack to match the power and machinery The Italian sports car maker has always been with the programme in recent decades and those prancing horses were never concerned about being PC with the 20-40mph drive by nanny state programming Porsche have finally ditched![:D]
I don't disagree with you both. I also think that the Italians will design their cars with more flare than German manufacturers ever will. My money-no-object choice of car would almost certainly be Italian. The Ferrari's raucous V8 comes across as naturally so and I like that. Ferrari engines sound great. But if a flat six is naturally not a very vocal engine, i'm not so into trying to amplify it through an exhaust mod. I know i'm in the minority there. It's like in F1 there was uproar that the new V6 turbo being quieter that the previous V8s. OK I get that, but trying to extract more noise from the V6 turbo for the sake of cosmetics would be a strange direction for F1 to go in. So far they have failed
I'm not saying that Ferrari don't design a soundtrack, but an Mercedes AMG V8 will never sound like a Ferrari V8 from birth. Was just having a little read about flat plane cranks and how they are used in more exotic cars where engine smoothness is not a priority and these shorter stroke, higher revving screaming engines with lightweight pistons/con-rods sound completely different to a cross plane crank V8 which is smoother. So perhaps the Ferrari engine noise is more inherent in the engine design than how it is synthesised through the exhaust. I think Ferraris sound awesome. I do also think sports exhausts sound good and really liked it on the Spyder but i'd much rather a screaming engine note than a roaring exhaust note.
Great points Flat6 but getting the price tag back to Porsche levels whilst keeping the soundtrack at Ferrari 458 levels it's hats off and valves open to Jaguar V8 & V6S F types
I saw an F-type coupe for the first time on Sunday. It did look good. Hats off to the current owners for investing the huge funds to develop these New models. Jag needed it. Can't see myself buying a Jag any time soon but it's good to see a British car company rebound.
New to market
ORIGINAL: jdpef356 New to market
Looks priced to sell for the man who wants buckets/ceramics/pse/sc/and can live with the smart looking Turbo11's Car was up for £41990.00 @ 12410 Miles when for sale in March this year[&o]
ORIGINAL: jdpef356 New to market
Very shiny [:)]
I reckon the Spyder's roof must be the best lightweight roof design ever. Weatherproof yet so easy to use.
ORIGINAL: flat6 I saw an F-type coupe for the first time on Sunday. It did look good. Hats off to the current owners for investing the huge funds to develop these New models. Jag needed it. Can't see myself buying a Jag any time soon but it's good to see a British car company rebound.
For more British sports car interest, might be interesting to follow how this chap gets along with his Aston.
that black cars done the rounds alright, shame the new owner cannot keep it, when it was for sale at £41k it was for sale at 36k private, then went to a 3rd party dealer then went to a OPC jumping in price every time. very odd history with this car passing around every week some where else. it would be a VERY cheap way to get PCCB on your car, you could buy it, swap over the braking system, then sell it for the same money !! or a few K less that's tempting :) for my R as you have to change hubs and a lot of bits, means you get a big brake it for little money.
ORIGINAL: jdpef356 Previos owners perhaps did not like the Ceramics, or could it have been those funny skinny seats![:D][;)]
It passed around 3 dealers not owners, that was the odd bit gaining in price every time. A cheap way to buy buckets or PCCB though for just the cost of 2 or 3k swapping the bits out and just reselling the car.
With the Reading number plate might be an ex journo/demo car and might have had a hard life and although it might look shiny and new it's a dog underneath so maybe not such a cheap buy!
ORIGINAL: spyderwhite With the Reading number plate might be an ex journo/demo car and might have had a hard life and although it might look shiny and new it's a dog underneath so maybe not such a cheap buy!
Bit harsh saying it might be a dog without seeing it. not really fair on the owner/selling imo.
ORIGINAL: MrDemon its 2.3k :-( not sure about the sound, just have to go on youtube vids, and it seems to be the nicest
Some leading after market sports exhaust makers tested here and the chosen Porsche was a Boxster[:D]

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