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Are Spyders Becoming Extinct At OPCs!

ORIGINAL: philnotts99 I cant see my Spyder ever going below what i actually paid for it.
I did [:D][:D][:D] [:(] Fully understand the dilemma. I suspect you'd have more fun with a 997 and your 987 Spyder than you would with a duller daily driver and a 981 Spyder garage queen? That depends how many miles you do in your daily driver, where you do them and where you have to park it.
ORIGINAL: daro911
ORIGINAL: philnotts99 It states sports exhaust but the tips are black? I thought the PSE is chrome looking? Strong money, mine is just under that in terms of miles but manual. Phil.
I knew an early taker of a Spyder May 2010 and first thing he did when he got the car was change the PSE tips for the standard black tips [;)]Maybe this guy has done the same too
I had PSE retrofitted to mine when I bought it from Swindon last Nov and it had black tips. It seems when the PSE is retrofitted, the exhaust is supplied without tips so they reuse the existing ones. Not sure if there's an option for black tips when spec'd from new though.
ORIGINAL: rob.kellock
ORIGINAL: philnotts99 I cant see my Spyder ever going below what i actually paid for it.
I did [:D][:D][:D] [:(] Fully understand the dilemma. I suspect you'd have more fun with a 997 and your 987 Spyder than you would with a duller daily driver and a 981 Spyder garage queen? That depends how many miles you do in your daily driver, where you do them and where you have to park it.
Haha Sorry, it has a good home though! [:)] About 8k miles in my daily and general to and from work with social visits. Parking at work is fine. Have to see if the 981 Spyder is going to be worth the outlay, i suspect not really in my position.
I have same dilemma. Just been out for a couple of hours in my Spyder and had a blast! What would a 981 offer me over the current car? I don't know but doubt that we'll get a chance to drive it before having to place a deposit. so will be be buying "blind". Still, I did that with the current car (and 2 previous Boxsters) and wasn't disappointed so no great risk I think! It comes down to desire for a change. I have had current car for 5 years and fancy a change. So, if it has humps, sun top (Manual), 350 HP or more and PDK plus sport suspension (no PASM for me thanks!)then I think I will jump (LOI in since November and top of list with OPC). Next decision will then be colour and trim. Decisions, decisons!!
so with the next Spyder due to come out, the question is how many PDK owners are ready to make the jump to the new 981 Spyder and how many manual owners will do the same. i will stick with my 987/2 Spyder
ORIGINAL: kitchens
ORIGINAL: DarrellWilson £50k Spyder is no longer for sale as far as I can see.
I would like to think it was sold but cannot see it at that price TBH
I agree Brian. Either taken off sale or they accepted a sensible offer is more likely than it having sold for or near asking price. We'll never know unless a new owner appears on here and gushes about what they paid for it.
ORIGINAL: MrDemon I still think the PDK market is now very slow for a 987.2 Spyder. the auto box from year dot has never sold well 2nd hand down the line, most sales on this thread are PDK owners moving on to newer things. Not die hards who want a fun drivers car for the weekend and now feel to old to get into a Elise.
I think they are referring to you Mr D [;)]
ORIGINAL: tyinsky
ORIGINAL: MrDemon I still think the PDK market is now very slow for a 987.2 Spyder. And I still think the 987.2 manuals will be £55k this year if not next. the auto box from year dot has never sold well 2nd hand down the line, most sales on this thread are PDK owners moving on to newer things. Not die hards who want a fun drivers car for the weekend and now feel to old to get into a Elise. The market is big for cars which feel more real and prices will reflect that going forward. Is there even a manual bucket seated car for sale today with spyder wheels ? you just don't see them come up these days
We've seen plenty of manual cars and PDK cars come up for sale. I won't enter the manual vs PDK debate[:)]. It's as if no Spyder owner on any forum is representative of the demographic[:)]. Some who have a manual car with buckets talk up the increased demand for their cars while the demographic owning these cars on forums are driving all variants. A collector may well want the brochure spec of manual and buckets, but at present, collectors are few and far between and for most owners it seems to be their only sports car and they sell it to get their next toy rather than keep it and buy more and more cars alongside it. Just my opinion of course. Will be interesting to see how it pans out.
Yep. How you getting on with the Turbo? Must be incredible right now with the sunshine and lots of cold air. Hope all's well.
Hi. I'm loving the turbo. Happy to make it a keeper, which was the plan now that there'll be no more cars for me whilst all spare funds are going into my prime interest. However, I have a psychological barrier to overcome with the turbo. With the Spyder i'd happily push on in it with the power being manageable for a novice like me. Foot to the floor through the gears, early on the power out of corners. The performance of the turbo is much more than can be casually exerted without thinking, how much am I actually going to use. Pushing on through a couple of gears doesn't reach a crescendo in a near-as-dammit 200mph car. Also, getting on the power early coming out of a corner; how much to use. In the Spyder I would use all it had and you could make a sensible gear choice to modulate the thrust. With the turbo the gear won't make much difference unless you're going to choose so high a gear to take it way outside of it's range (sweet SPOT is an inappropriate term for the turbo's performance curve; it'll propel you over quite a range). But I am assured that it will understeer if I get over exuberant. But I think i'll have to take it to a track (with large run-offs) to push it further and get over that psychological barrier. It's not anything to do with the car. It handles and steers very directly and inspires confidence in me just like the Spyder did. It's just the brute force of the engine that I need to 'grow a pair' to be a match for it. I did once get snap oversteer in the Spyder ( and I wasn't even going that fast or really going for it) and I think that is etched on my brain even though it may be less likely to happen in the turbo given the ultra wide rear tyres and AWD to combat destabilisation.
Always buyers for new cars and tech it gets me looking at older cars again though, but with the last manual RS now £200k the market seems to be demanding a manual there are a lot of 3 pedal drivers out there it seems who want/need that extra interaction with the car. I am a bit lost on the new GT3 market, the cars are not the fastest, I mean fast like a 458S, or a 675LT for example, or the new 488GTB, but they are too fast for the road, who wants these new GT3's ? NOT me ... it seems it's all about lapping as fast as possible as easy as possible, who wants that ?
ORIGINAL: MrDemon I am a bit lost on the new GT3 market, the cars are not the fastest, I mean fast like a 458S, or a 675LT for example, or the new 488GTB, but they are too fast for the road, who wants these new GT3's ? NOT me ... it seems it's all about lapping as fast as possible as easy as possible, who wants that ?
£ FOR £ the GT3's are more than fast enough compared even to those £200k exotics [;)]I bet most drivers need every possible aid offered to get within 30% of what a GT3 can really do on road or track but each to their own be it old school manual or new school paddles there is a strong market and plenty of room for both options these days [:D]
ORIGINAL: kitchens
ORIGINAL: DarrellWilson £50k Spyder is no longer for sale as far as I can see.
I would like to think it was sold but cannot see it at that price TBH
I agree Brian. Either taken off sale or they accepted a sensible offer is more likely than it having sold for or near asking price. We'll never know unless a new owner appears on here and gushes about what they paid for it.
Another one reflecting the current market?
ORIGINAL: spyderwhite Mine now needs to go to the market at £55k 😄
These prices are quite unbelievable and it won't be long before we do see the £50k price being the norm [:D]
full black leather interior, not quite!!
ORIGINAL: DarrellWilson
ORIGINAL: kitchens
ORIGINAL: DarrellWilson £50k Spyder is no longer for sale as far as I can see.
I would like to think it was sold but cannot see it at that price TBH
I agree Brian. Either taken off sale or they accepted a sensible offer is more likely than it having sold for or near asking price. We'll never know unless a new owner appears on here and gushes about what they paid for it.
Another one reflecting the current market?
If I put mine on at £65k it would be the cheapest Manual with Buckets, Spyder wheels and PCCB's does that make it that money now. I could easy put it on PH tonight to raise interest, all it takes is 3 cars to all be >£50k and then every new one for sale will be £50k it's easy to make them go up. all it would take while there are none for sale is 3 of us putting them for sale and than a week later saying sold. people say they sold at that and then that's todays price, easy :) I feel like buying every manual that comes for sale and command the market. again this is how the CSL went up with 1 guy doing just that, same with Focus RS market.

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