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Are Spyders Becoming Extinct At OPCs!

The rake of the rear humps looks pretty steep in the pictures. If it had a gt4 stance it would have completed the aggressive look imo.
Can't believe they actually did it, and with the 3.8 engine. While we may not think it is as "pure" as the 987 and the folding roof makes it look a little less smooth and flowing at the back it looks like Porsche have done most of the things the guys on here were looking for. I hope this and the GT4 are an indication that the 6 cylinders will remain in the top end Boxster/Cayman.
Well just paid extra £2k to make my £5k deposit and been asked if I have a configuration ready so had a play and this is first attempt. Not sure if I would like Classic Spyder trim with garnet leather on exterior colours that I like so stuck to standard with contrast stitching. Probably change exterior colour and then maybe wheels before lock down date.
one thing extra to remember with the 3.8 engine, it now goes form the £290/ year to £490/ year tax bracket. i had for 19 years 1920s cars with no car tax so something i always think of. still a nice car if you want something that stands out for a one car person. looking at the pictures i think the hood securing plates need to be body coloured as on our 987/2 cars, think it spoils the flow in black, just my thinking
here is some interesting figures 0.1 sec slower than gt4 to 62mph 0.2 sec slower than gt4 to 99mph 0.3 sec slower than gt4 to 124 mph also peak power is at 6700rpm [:eek:] for the spyder whereas the gt4,gts 991,991s old spyder etc are all at 7400!!
Hmmmm...... £45-50k for a 4 year old 987 Spyder or £15k more for a brand new 981 Spyder? New one for me, any day.
Cant see that being the case in four years tome - yes the 981 will drop in price but I don't see it dipping below our 987 model.
It won't float everyone's boat. The original no doubt has some characteristics, visually and mechanically, that have not been carried over to the new car. I'm sure the new car improves on the previous car in every way they intended it to and it looks like they have put thought into the areas they wanted to develop. No lazy incremental this one. I'm sure in the metal it looks awesome as the 981 is a great base car which also looks a lot better in the metal. The standard 981 certainly has a presence from every angle and it looks bigger than a 987 even though it isn't. So the Spyder version will no doubt have even more presence. Perhaps they should have launched the Spyder and GT4 together as the GT4 has given the game away somewhat and because it has more mechanical upgrades, steals the thunder off the latter car to be launched. When all the comparisons and deliberation is put aside, i'm sure there will be some very happy customers. There's nothing quite like it across Porsche's existing range between it and the 918.
ORIGINAL: jdpef356 Cant see that being the case in four years tome - yes the 981 will drop in price but I don't see it dipping below our 987 model.
that is a bit like saying there is no early 911s that cost now more than a 991. the 987/2 Spyder is now a modern day classic, the 981 Spyder is a super car but a softer more user friendly version of one of Porsches finest. some will prefair user friendly, some will prefair the raw classic Spyder. the early 911 RS is not what you could call an everyday user friendly car but an all time classic
Here we go...... nobody on here has driven a 981 Spyder or Gt4 and they are going to trade at a premium when announced and then fall below the existing 987 Spyder not soon after!? Don't you just love the internet? [:D] One thing you can be sure of the real aircooled 911 RS will always be the pinnacle of Porsche road cars, not sure if the non homologation cars can even be compared to them.
ORIGINAL: philnotts99 Who's selling up and ordering the new 981? Is it wishful thinking that they will be 10k cheaper this time next year!! [8D]
I have wanted a 981 Spyder ever since I drove and fell for the GTS with Sport Chassis so I guess I am up for one [:D] especially as it has the roof set up I actually discussed with a Porsche manager at the PEC back in 2013 using my knowledge of the 997 Speedster set up as the base for a repeat system on the next Spyder My first play ran out at £66k++ still pondering some other exterior colour options but keeping the classic interior for now
ORIGINAL: Rocket Man
ORIGINAL: jdpef356 Cant see that being the case in four years tome - yes the 981 will drop in price but I don't see it dipping below our 987 model.
that is a bit like saying there is no early 911s that cost now more than a 991. the 987/2 Spyder is now a modern day classic, the 981 Spyder is a super car but a softer more user friendly version of one of Porsches finest. some will prefair user friendly, some will prefair the raw classic Spyder. the early 911 RS is not what you could call an everyday user friendly car but an all time classic
I agree with jdpef356. The 987 Spyder is barely 5 years old so comparing it to a classic that is multi-decades old and expecting the 987 to achieve that in another 4 years is a tall order. I think the 987 Spyder is steadily appreciating but how it fares against being superceded is yet to be seen. Yes many a 911 has become a saught after classic despite being superceded and the Spyder may follow suit, but I think a lot of current Spyder owners will need to hang onto their cars and forego the 981 in order to keep the supply lower than demand. Not sure why if Spyder owners are considering bailing out for the new car, there'll be an influx of buyers to snap them up when they are also aware of the new car at £60K. Time will tell where they will spend their money. I don't know the answer.
I think the 987 will now stall in price at the current level due to the arrival of its 981 brother. Providing the 981 is limited in numbers I would think the next 2/3 years the price will take the initial dip but certainly not lower than 987 as some have been suggesting. Not until the 981 bottoms out and then starts to rise do I think you will see a rise in the 987 again. That's not a bad scenario[&:] You may be stuck with one of the priestliest and nimble cars in the Porsche range which if my prediction is right will be marking time in the market! There are not many/any? 4/5 year old cars in our pirce range that you can say that about[;)]
I think you're right John. As daro911 will probably testify with the Speedsters, it took some time before the serious appreciation kicked in, probably in the years after no Speedsters were being made. I think the 987 would have continued on its current trajectory if the next Spyder had skipped a generation, giving the 987 more time with the market to itself. As for Spyder vs GT4, there'll be roadster buyers who were never interested in a track focused coupe and so any advantages, or disadvantages of the GT4 will be irrelevant, and vice versa. I'm not in the market myself for a roadster at present, so i'm not overly excited about the Spyder, though if I was, there’s nothing else to compare it to from Porsche so I think I would buy the 981 (when the PDK version comes along[;)] ). It's at the top of its tree. Whereas, if I was in the market for a track focused coupe with maximum performance, i'd have the dilemma that Porsche ensured the GT4 is not it and couldn't take my mind off the GT3, the GT4 being at the bottom of that tree. Though opinion of one should not matter a jot to another. Daro, we'll have to arrange a meet up when you get yours [:)]
ORIGINAL: flat6 As daro911 will probably testify with the Speedsters, it took some time before the serious appreciation kicked in, probably in the years after no Speedsters were being made. Daro, we'll have to arrange a meet up when you get yours [:)]
flat6 The Speedsters in 1989 (all 65 UK cars) were immediately worth double list price in the trade for literally a few months before the world economies crashed big time and Speedsters fell from circa £55k list back to £32-35k+ and there they remained for almost 2 decades [:eek:] Since the world banking crisis and classic cars becoming art the prices have gone through the roof on many 1970's/80's/90's sports cars and the Speedster is no exception As a drivers car it was the poorest version of all the classic 3.2 Carrera's but as a piece of art to look at it was a masterpiece IMO The 987 Spyder has the rare ingredient of being a work of art to ogle and a fantastically focused version of the Boxster range from that era to drive so really is a win win and I am sure by it's 20th birthday if things continue as they are in the classic Porsche car world these will be most sort after pieces of kit
ORIGINAL: daro911 flat6 The Speedsters in 1989 (all 65 UK cars) were immediately worth double list price in the trade for literally a few months before the world economies crashed big time and Speedsters fell from circa £55k list back to £32-35k+ and there they remained for almost 2 decades [:eek:]
Ah OK, a bit like the current GT3 then but without the world economy crashing thereafter. Will be interesting to see how it all pans out. As you say, the Spyder has the advantage of being good to drive as well as to look at and what happens to the 981 Spyder values straight after launch and in 3 years then 5 years then 10 years will be interesting. Likewise the 987.
Went down to my OPC yesterday to spec a car.They had no specs available until to day and had received NO enquiries,but had an allocation of 3 maybe 4 cars max.
as all of us know milage plays a large part in prices of these cars, with the 918 Spyder being so user friendly i think a lot of owners may use them as every day transport, not many use the 987/2 Spyders every day or even every week. just look at the standard Boxster milages on PH for a typical 2010 car. i think the useability of the 981 will show the prices fall more than the 987/2 on that alone. the quirky roof of the 987/2 will always make the car be atracted to the collector/true enthusiast were i think the 981 will appeal to a much wider spread of car enthusiasts. if i had the new Spyder i would love to use that as an every day car. shame it is not PDK it would be so popular and appeal to so many more people then.

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