all new cars have fake over run and drift mode also, it's like the Chav era for super cars :-( as you say these cars are lapping fast for noobies lol
I have spent a lot of time honing my driving, it's a shame a noobie can now lap as fast as me in a PTV, Automatic electric diff thing !!!
I have been in these very fast cars with noobs it's very scary lol
My GT3 is not confirmed 100% , I have been told I can have a 2018 car if they get enough, but until that form is signed it's a waiting game.
I am sure OPC's will know 2018 allocation by Sept maybe, so I need to enjoy my GT4 and R while I have those, hence giving the GT4 a new look for the summer.
I am a Cayman man through and though , so will not leave this section, who knows if they do make a GT4 RS 4.0l in manual then I might be back esp if I can gain a slot.
I must be on the system as I got a PEC invite to drive the cars again and the DP asked what colour I wanted which has to be a good thing
I am still tweeking the GT4 over summer, have some AWE wind foils to fit this weekend so I can open the window without my head exploding
the 981.991 etc has MASSIVE issue with a open window, I am hoping this will be cured with my new parts.
people do stick on parts, but the AWE replaces the oem part so looks loads better if not a tad expensive at £102 delivered.