I have been an active member of the Porsche club for over 10 years, have tried do every club night
East and West in that time, regardless of time of year or weather. Have spent quite a few nights sitting
on my own or with one or two other people wonder why the hell we bothered dragging ourselves out of our.
nice warm houses on the Dark Damp horrible night and went along to Car Club night, to me it was to meet up
with those same friends sitting there and to be there in case some new member would appear with the same
Porsche Illness as we have........
I Get a lot out of my Membership of the Porsche Club and have met a lot of Great people who i class as my Friends. When the postion of RO came up unexpectedly last year i gave it a lot of thought about taking it on
and even thought about involving my Wife Susan in becoming joint RO with me, She was dead keen as she
obviously has been infected with the Porsche Illness the same as me.
When i realised the work involved and the time it would take up I had to have a reallity check and realise with
2 young boys in the house and dailly job to do I just didnt have the time.
What im getting to is I know that the RO has his faults, dont we all...... but he has at least stepped up to the Plate
and is trying to move the Club forward and make it Better for us all. Dont forget that No One wanted the ROs
postion when it was on offer for 3 or 4 months over the summer/end of the year07.
Would it not be a good Idea to try out the New Format for the Official Club night and arrange our social nights
for a different time in the Month.........rather than trying to sabotage the Club Night, as all that is going to happen
is Region 1 as a whole is going to suffer..
Please Please Please lets have some some come and go,
Other wise i might have to be forced to Buy a Nancy Boy
Best Regards
Big Al
East and West in that time, regardless of time of year or weather. Have spent quite a few nights sitting
on my own or with one or two other people wonder why the hell we bothered dragging ourselves out of our.
nice warm houses on the Dark Damp horrible night and went along to Car Club night, to me it was to meet up
with those same friends sitting there and to be there in case some new member would appear with the same
Porsche Illness as we have........
I Get a lot out of my Membership of the Porsche Club and have met a lot of Great people who i class as my Friends. When the postion of RO came up unexpectedly last year i gave it a lot of thought about taking it on
and even thought about involving my Wife Susan in becoming joint RO with me, She was dead keen as she
obviously has been infected with the Porsche Illness the same as me.
When i realised the work involved and the time it would take up I had to have a reallity check and realise with
2 young boys in the house and dailly job to do I just didnt have the time.
What im getting to is I know that the RO has his faults, dont we all...... but he has at least stepped up to the Plate
and is trying to move the Club forward and make it Better for us all. Dont forget that No One wanted the ROs
postion when it was on offer for 3 or 4 months over the summer/end of the year07.
Would it not be a good Idea to try out the New Format for the Official Club night and arrange our social nights
for a different time in the Month.........rather than trying to sabotage the Club Night, as all that is going to happen
is Region 1 as a whole is going to suffer..
Please Please Please lets have some some come and go,
Other wise i might have to be forced to Buy a Nancy Boy
Best Regards
Big Al