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Jeremy Clarkson -wtf

I dont take Clarkson seriously at all, he is funny at times admittely he seems to think that his opinion is more important than anyone elses.. We all make gaffes and he apologised........
but I didnt like him trashing a "Harvest Gold" 33k mile Morris Marina. This caused the Marina owners club members a lot of grief as fans of the show were insulting them on their forum and on the street.

Clarkson admitted he liked the 944 so thats us lads off the hook for now [:D]
Gordon succeded TB by sitting on his coat tails and presided over an economy in good shape inherited from the Tories (its a fact)

He has subsequently ruined this economy with some 700,000 extra civil servants to pry into our lives and keep watch on our every movement or expenditure.

One example of his `prudence` is that if you were sensible you took out insurance so he taxed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another is that we had a pension policy in this country that allowed the companies to pay out on a daily basis to the claimants BUT invest a large proportion of the pension profits back in the businesses. This is one of the reasons we did so well. Spain and Poland brought an action in the EEC that prevented this so all of a sudden the pensions had a massive black hole in their finances, what did Gordon do????? let them go to the wall.

Now he claims its the world economy thats to blame. Now I know the UK is peculiarly linked to and affected by house values and mortgage rates BUT Gordon was warned of at least an 8 billion hole in his accounts 4 years ago and did nothing about it.

Together with his financial mismanagement, the greatest demographic changes to the country since records began (mass uncontrolled immigration) the burgeoning civil service (1 in 10 of the poulation is a civil servant FFS!) and our jollies into Iraq and Iran which have only served to inflame opinions at a massive financial cost Tony and Gordon will go down in history as two of the most infamous and incompetent leaders in modern times.

I think Jeremy Clarkson is entitled to an opinion, in this Orwellian PC world we are managed in he speaks for many which actually is why he is so popular.
I think the whole point is not who the person that JC has commented on. Should someone be sacked if they breached the codes of conduct. Everyone knows the country's economy is in deep sh** and the government still hasn't got a clue how to cope. We don't need JC to remind us that or it is just a publicity plot to gain his popularity I don't know? Is he suggesting that we should have a PM with two eyes, not Scot and not an idiot? Didn't he say he want to get into politics?

If Carol Thatcher got sacked (which I don't think she should) then why JC (and Ross) can get away with it?

Re. Peter E's comments on JC's (£2m+) salary is probably not paid my taxpayers as the programme is quite profitable which I don't agree. I doubt if the programme start making profit in day one and very lucky if they manage to break even after a couple of years. The whole production team needs initial setup and running costs and of course to pay them salary too.
ORIGINAL: Peter Empson

I like JC, anyone who says what they like without fear of upsetting the PC brigade gets my vote [:D] Bit of a shame he's had to apologise though [:mad:]

Agreed, the one eyed bit may have been harsh (but true), but it is true that Gordon Brown is Scottish (nothing wrong with that) and he is an idiot (which is a big problem for someone in charge of the UK).

[:D]We need more people like JC.

[:'(]Unfortunately this country is turning into something that I don't like. A little like the film '1984'. Our freedom of speach is disappearing. I was like pauljmcnulty reading the Sunday Times, his comments in the Sun paper and Performance Car. Go on JC keep it up.[;)]

agreed absolutely, cut the PC bring back freedom of speech. Gordon Brown chose to be a politician and chose to be PM, it seems to have been perfectly fine by the PC brigade to insult George Bush all these years and yet one comment about GB is not acceptable. I say politicians deserve what they get.
I find Clarkson highly amusing. I read his section the the Sunday Times first (after having flicked through the colour supplements to see if there is any totty) and find Top Gear great entertainment - the repeats on Dave are about the only thing worth watching in the early evening.

I have been to see Top Gear recorded and was stunned with how good they are. More than one take was very unusual and generally only due to a technicality. They spout their chat, real time, with no reference to notes aside a glance through prior to the shoot. They make it look casual and easy but that is just because they are so good at what they do.

All that said Clarkson can say things, at times, he probably shouldn't. We all let the 12 year old in us get carried away occasionally and Clarksons 12 year old is closer to the surface than many people.

Years ago, at Autosport, Clarkson was on the main stage whipping up some enthusiasm for the Live show he and Tiff were hosting. He refered to Schumacker as as an iligitimate Nazi (or words to that effect - lets try and stay within the revised forum rules [;)]) I had my son Peter with me, who was 2 at the time, and I was very embarassed by Clarksons comments. It was rude and inapropriate considering the people present. With a few blokes in the pub it would be fine. That is perhaps his main failing - he doesn't always know when to stop.

On this occaision Nº10 didn't seem that bothered and Clarkson has appologised. As Fen pointed out, it is just the press blowing it up to give them column inches.

ORIGINAL: charles.y

OK. My point is should the BBC still paying JC salary via tax payers money?
I am sure there is some codes of conduct working as a broadcaster right?

Absolutely 100% of course they should.

Gordon Brown presided over the UK economy for 11 years during which time he was happy to accept praise for his prowess even though the rest of the world was doing pretty well also. Now the rest of the world is hurting, but the UK is hurting at least as badly as anyone else and arguably the worst out of any economy. People should be calling GB a lot more than Scottish, one-eyed and stupid. The man lacks any sort of personality and charisma. He would never have been PM if he had had to run the last election as leader of the Labour Party and has the job through the back door. He could do nothing right for quite some time when he first took over the job and a large proportion of the blame for why the UK is as far up Excement Creek as it currently appears to be rests on his shoulders.

Even aside from my belief he deserves all the criticism he gets I think it is beyond ludicrous to suggest someone should be sacked from the BBC for saying anyone is Scottish, one-eyed and stupid. Soviet Russia allowed that much freedom of speech. I think the outrage is that JC has been made to apologise.

Agreed again! I really like this Forum![:)]
ORIGINAL: charles.y

Being a 'good' motor journalist and an outspoken petrolhead (and also paid £2m+ salary by taxpayers, £6m for Ross!!) doesn't mean that you have the privileage to say things which you shouldn't.

Maybe its about time BBC to find someone better, funnier, more sensible, more responsible and cost less to host their programmes.

The BBC gets over £3bn a year from the license payer and £1bn a year from private enterprise (selling Top Gear to Dave, TeleTubbies to Dubai, merchandies etc). I'm willing to bet JC has a large part to play in that £1bn of private money thanks to Top Gear. I bet he earns the BBC more money than they pay him and that thank goodness is simply good business sense something the BBC needs lots more of IMHO - so it's a good thing.

JRoss is a different story but the Beeb needs to remain competitive, his salary is 0.2% of the your license fee so 20p a year then - does that make it easier to digest? I maybe alone but I find his wry wit amusing and think it's 20p well spent.

The BBC is also not the only broadcaster to get some of the license fee, as I understand it channel 4 also get a slice as of 2007 too but it's rarely mentioned.
What facinates me is the complamts about calling him and one eyed which unfortunately he is, the complaints about the using the fact he is Scottish but none apparantly that he was called an idiot?

And dont get me started about the Carol Thatcher storm in a teacup
I agree with John S re JC's stupidity. As almost everyone commented so far seems to like JC a lot for his outspoken guts. So why he choose to apologise in the first place if he stands to what he believe (worry about loosing his job maybe) and then today he said he will not waterdown his apollogy (probably after his legal team given him advice or maybe support from the BBC management).
ORIGINAL: charles.y

.....Re. Peter E's comments on JC's (£2m+) salary is probably not paid my taxpayers as the programme is quite profitable which I don't agree. I doubt if the programme start making profit in day one and very lucky if they manage to break even after a couple of years. The whole production team needs initial setup and running costs and of course to pay them salary too.

I can't agree with that Charles. Top Gear is now a global brand. One assumes the bean counters were happy with the cost profile of the first series and it broke even or came within the budgeted loss or what ever. Once you start distributing the program it is all profit, there are next to no on costs, aside perhaps over dubbing. I know they reshot the studio elements for the US version (so boots could be trunks etc.), as that was one I saw recorded, but they did four shows in a day.

Money in media entertainment is not like real life. Clarkson does get a handsome salary but he was responsible for the revised format. People who are genuinely inventive deserve to be rewarded for their free thought when that idea generates money.
ORIGINAL: charles.y

Re. Peter E's comments on JC's (£2m+) salary is probably not paid my taxpayers as the programme is quite profitable which I don't agree. I doubt if the programme start making profit in day one and very lucky if they manage to break even after a couple of years. The whole production team needs initial setup and running costs and of course to pay them salary too.

But he didn't start at £2M did he? He was able to justify that wage thanks to the success of the show that in essence he has largely been responsible for. Between the programme and the magazine the profit Top Gear makes actually helps subsidise the license fee...

With regards to the Morris being destroyed that was supposedly not the car they drove for the feature but a bit of a shed quickly tarted up to look like the other car which was destined to become a banger racer anyway.

I did think it was a shame that a Renault Alpine 610 was destroyed, a 911 was too (for a video) but that was clearly not fit for much else.

I think what amazes me so much is that people get so riled by Top Gear, it's just entertainment, sometimes brilliant (the lightweight supercars on the best roads feature, the recent Fiesta review and so on) and sometimes a little cringeworthy, but the former almost always outweigh the latter in my opinion.
ORIGINAL: charles.y
...... So why he choose to apologise in the first place ......

Because the 12 year old inside got away from him. He appreciated his failing (prompted or not) and said sorry. Having said sorry you can't now decry him for not saying he is less sorry.
ORIGINAL: Peter Empson

....I think what amazes me so much is that people get so riled by Top Gear, it's just entertainment, sometimes brilliant (the lightweight supercars on the best roads feature, the recent Fiesta review and so on) and sometimes a little cringeworthy, but the former almost always outweigh the latter in my opinion.....

Agree 100%.

It is interesting seeing the repeats of the first JC Top Gear shows to see how it has evolved. It has become bigger, and wackier, but what else can they do? They have pretty much done it all now.
Come on guys, sticks and stones etc....

There are bent politicians doing whats right for them, not the country; there are drunk drivers killing people; people driving without insurance and being fined less than the cost of taking out cover, children being abused due to poor care management, bankers being creative, mis-management of the NHS, schools havnig to shut for a little bit of snow due to fear of being sued etc etc.

In my mind this is a lot more important than an entertainer doing some name calling. This is not in the same place as the Ross / Brand call.

Come on guys, sticks and stones etc....

There are bent politicians doing whats right for them, not the country; there are drunk drivers killing people; people driving without insurance and being fined less than the cost of taking out cover, children being abused due to poor care management, bankers being creative, mis-management of the NHS, schools havnig to shut for a little bit of snow due to fear of being sued etc etc.

In my mind this is a lot more important than an entertainer doing some name calling. This is not in the same place as the Ross / Brand call.

Well said and I totally agree ...!

I wonder what JC would say about our so called government here in Ireland...?
Let me try, as a lawyer, to analyse what JC said. He called a politician, not of a class of people who ever need the slightest help in being able to defend themselves in print or via the media [unlike elderly innocent actors], a Scottish, one-eyed and stupid person.

GB is Scottish - nothing wrong there.
GB has only one eye - true but saying that or putting that into print is tasteless. Tastelessness is not a 'criminal' offence.
Whether GB is stupid [incompetent?] has yet to be decided by the electorate. However, the clues might be in the way in which boom and bust was announced to be a thing of the past, and yet it returned, and how he spoke about British jobs for British workers - suggesting a possible breach of long-standing EU law.

So I really cannot see what he has said that is wrong, or what a number of stand-up comedians have been saying ever since he took over at Number. 10. it certainly is not defamatory; defamation is when an untrue statement is made that lowers the reputation of the person to whom it is directed in the minds of right thinking members of society; and this does not mean politicly to the Right.

So, in conclusion, nothing legally wrong - perhaps we can leave it for the electorate to make up its mind when they have a chance to vote on the success or otherwise of the current occupant of Number 10.
Can't see why JC has apologised, as mentioned GB is Scottish and he has one eye so both factual. The fact he only called him an idiot seems quite tame to me, I call GB far far worse things.

I don't understand why people take offence at the slightest thing these days, who complained about JC's comments and why was it even news? Was it because it was on the BBC? (Browns Broadcasting Corporation) The comments were JC's opinion, if you don't like them don't listen turn of the TV and go and do something else instead.

Just a thought, but how many of us will it take to get the BBC to ban GB, surely if enough of us complain we can get the Prime Minister banned from TV.
ORIGINAL: charles.y

I think the whole point is not who the person that JC has commented on. Should someone be sacked if they breached the codes of conduct. Everyone knows the country's economy is in deep sh** and the government still hasn't got a clue how to cope. We don't need JC to remind us that or it is just a publicity plot to gain his popularity I don't know? Is he suggesting that we should have a PM with two eyes, not Scot and not an idiot? Didn't he say he want to get into politics?

If Carol Thatcher got sacked (which I don't think she should) then why JC (and Ross) can get away with it?

Re. Peter E's comments on JC's (£2m+) salary is probably not paid my taxpayers as the programme is quite profitable which I don't agree. I doubt if the programme start making profit in day one and very lucky if they manage to break even after a couple of years. The whole production team needs initial setup and running costs and of course to pay them salary too.

I think this has all be covered by others while I was in bed so I'll keep it brief:

Lets also ignore who made the comments. What standards were breached?

I suspect you don't like Clarkson, I further suspect that that is because of something entirely different he has said in the past that offended you and I still further suspect I can guess what that was. If that is the case then I can see why you might be pleased to see him talk himself into trouble, but reallly as I said earlier the outrage is that he had to apologise at all for what he said about GB.

I gather Carol Thatcher got herself into hot water also but un(?)fortunately I know nothing about that to compare. I don't recall her having any patricular talent and in fact she only came to the public eye through one of the God-awful rality game shows that is nearly as big a scourge on British society as the tabloid press and political correctness, and was only on that because of her mother. No great loss then.

I actually like both Jonathan Ross (though he isn't worth 3 times Clarkson in salary IMO) and Russell Brand. A someone said above I think their faux pas was in an entirely different league to JCs however (though I still think it was blown out of proportion - we got it on our news on the other side of the world for about 3 days). Being frank Radio 2 was never the place for Russell Brand in the first place, and I suspect the incident underlined that. That the item was pre-recorded and still allowed to go out I think meant the presenters were considerably less to blame than they were held to account for however. Sure they probably shouldn't have done what they did, but still more surely someone should have prevented it from being broadcast when they had the chance.

Bluntness is superb; I love it (who'd a thunk it, eh? [;)]). You know where you stand when people are blunt. Here in NZ the people complain about political correctness and when they do i always think "you haven't seen the half of it". One of the things that struck us when we came here to see if we wanted to live here was the frankness with which things are discussed on radio and TV. It's far from perfect and there is a bit too much PC nonsense, but it's a breath of fresh air compared with the UK.

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