This is a really interesting post.
I have had my S2 since March and have loved every minute of it - it is strictly a weekend warrior for our fantastic roads up here in Scotland, and I have found it very "accomodating". It is certainly easier to get into a controlled slide than the Cayman S. I still live by the rule that I am a rubbish driver, and consequently assume that there is always a chance that things will go horribly wrong, even in optimum conditions. I would love to know how many of you out there are boosting through corners sideways in the dry - I have often heard it claimed (not on this forum I might add!), and always wonder how people manage it. I get to drive quite a few exotics in my line of work, and have never had the balls to try it in style, let alone manage to defeat the cars level of grip. I can only imagine that it would take a 944 some severe provocation in the dry and some very empty roads, not to mention a good insurance policy and balls the size of water melons.
Any answers?
I have had my S2 since March and have loved every minute of it - it is strictly a weekend warrior for our fantastic roads up here in Scotland, and I have found it very "accomodating". It is certainly easier to get into a controlled slide than the Cayman S. I still live by the rule that I am a rubbish driver, and consequently assume that there is always a chance that things will go horribly wrong, even in optimum conditions. I would love to know how many of you out there are boosting through corners sideways in the dry - I have often heard it claimed (not on this forum I might add!), and always wonder how people manage it. I get to drive quite a few exotics in my line of work, and have never had the balls to try it in style, let alone manage to defeat the cars level of grip. I can only imagine that it would take a 944 some severe provocation in the dry and some very empty roads, not to mention a good insurance policy and balls the size of water melons.
Any answers?