Just spoken to the White Horse - they can do Lunch for 20 people at 12:30 (13:00 was too late)
For that number of people they will need you to order in advance - lunch menu is here:
Excellent! What's the name to book in?
At the risk of being the old fart who get's serious and heavy....
Please let's all understand that the Pub is a business, and has to have a commitment from people so they can organise tables, staff, stock etc. If you're genuinely coming, and want to book lunch, please do so. If you're waiting to see what the weather is like or might have a hangover and stay in bed, please don't book and don't turn up expecting a place at a pre-booked table. [

I've had events organised through the Club with smaller turnouts than this, it's great that so many people want to come. Please just respect the fact that it's not an event where we charge up front, in which case you've paid even if your car doesn't start on the morning. If you book a place then someone will be planning to serve you lunch, so if you're a "maybe" and might not turn up on the day, emergencies excepted of course, that's fine; but accept you can't book a definate lunch place.
I like to get a deposit up front from people, it does tend to focus the mind and get people to double-check the diary. Hope I'm not being a miserable old git, just don't want 20 people to arrive at a pub to be told "we're full", or twenty people to tentatively book only for six of us to turn up and meet an angry landlady....[
