New member
I would just say that for first time track drivers you will be completely knackered after a day at Bedford so don't plan too much apart from getting home & falling into bed..... I found my first few days very tiring as I was concentrating so hard, & there's so much to learn. I also thought I was a decent driver before I took my car on the track.....and then found out I wasn't [
] after 10 years I think I've moved into the "just about competent" category. Bedford is a good place to start as there's plenty of room to "experiment" I will talk to Colin about instructors when I'm at donington on the 30th. it would be a good idea to get this booked in advance if we can. hope you've all got new brake pads on your Christmas lists[
] one other thought - helmets. There will be some to hire & you can book them on the javelin site. they arent going to be the nicest things to wear though...If you have a bike helmet then that will be fine (providing its in good shape) . If you're thinking of buying one then it might be worth a trip to the autosport show in january where you can try on a few.