ORIGINAL: Peter Empson
ORIGINAL: Suffolk944
The car in that new picture does look mean but the decals still suck [

I still think the price reflects the cost of the build + a bit of a mark up rather than a true market value. Quite often links to modded cars appear here or on the PH forums where the vendor clearly thinks that the money he has spent equates to the cars subsequent value and folk rightly point out that this generally is not the case (sometimes rather less politely than that). Certainly if I sold my car I would not expect it to (sadly) reach the price of a late standard car plus the cost of all the mods. £17k for a 250bhp S2 with KW suspension is just taking the proverbial whatever its condition imho.
I don't doubt there is some mark up, they are a business after all, but they've not done some quick tart up job to make lots of money, they've in essence made a show car which I assume will get some positive press coverage for them and the 944 as a breed. To my mind just to look at this car as a retail priced vehicle misses the point somewhat. I suspect it will take a while to find the right customer for it (especially in the current economy), but if it inspires a few people to modify 944s via themselves in stages to get to where this car is then you could argue it's done its job, and it has showcased what they can do in the best way possible.
Just out of interest, what are they supposed to sell it for? If they list it at (a completely random amount of) £10K then everyone is logically going to think they can drive in with their S2 (worth £4k) and drive out with a car of this spec at £6k and as my rough figures suggest this would be impossible. So that's why I don't think it's over priced for what you are getting, over priced for the market is another thing altogether and whether or not it sells will prove the latter. I hope that 944s are losing that bastard child of the porsche range image as they age and this sort of project can only help with that.
I think I'll bow out from further discussions of pricing as I've said my bit and don't want to come across as having blinkered vision about the thing, but please do try and have a look at what they've done for yourselves if you can.