Actually the next step will be to get the boost solenoid working, I'm currently using an MBC at a modest 15psi.
For anyone that's geeky enough the link below (will this work) is to a dropbox where you can grab the log file, if you download the vems software from (use the latest nightly release) you can replay the log file and see what's happening in real time.
Note: It's a long file because I sat on the drive while the engine warmed up and tinkered a little...
Link to VEMS site for software:
For anyone that's geeky enough the link below (will this work) is to a dropbox where you can grab the log file, if you download the vems software from (use the latest nightly release) you can replay the log file and see what's happening in real time.
Note: It's a long file because I sat on the drive while the engine warmed up and tinkered a little...
Link to VEMS site for software: