Good afternoon chaps
Well, today I feel a bit of a fool, I mean, just 'how long have I owned my car?' The trouble with these cars is that they just keep running even when they have a glaring fault, or at least that's the case with mine and all of it's mods, it just keeps running. You may recall some months ago that I was having a fuelling issue, in particular the car was leaning out under hard acceleration but seemed close to normal AFR when driving normally. I suspected either the fuel pump or the AFPR, the DME I had already changed as a matter of course. Anyway, I have lived with this for a good few months and my usual avenue for help, my son, has just been too busy to check the car over.
So, today I popped over to see him, to get him to weld a small part of the loco that I'm building with his new fancy 3 handled welder. While there he took a quick look at the thermister as I still have got around to fixing the no heat issue. While he was checking under the bonnet he spotted a problem and asked why the hell I hadn't noticed it? all I'd noticed was the fuelling issue and a slightly erratic idle, although this was not always the case. He asked when did I last hear my dump valve?.... well now that he mentioned it, I hadn't for some time. What about the wastegate?, yes that chatters nicely thankyou...

Dad! he said with that strained manner when dealing with a silly old man, "you are lucky that you haven't destroyed the turbo". He then showed me the issue, the VAC line to the dump valve has a 'T' piece which had snapped so I had very little vacuum if any. The car is transformed, again, idles nicely, the dump valve is back with a vengeance, in fact, it's so loud I have no idea how I didn't notice it's absence before. Under hard acceleration the fuelling is back to where it belongs, easily dropping to 11 under load, even the brakes are good. In fact the pressure has dropped too, I had been over fuelling before, that is the pressure on idle was higher than it should be , ..
Perhaps I should get a Ford, the slightest thing to go wrong on them and they breakdown....
Pete... a very happy chap...