I took the car out to get some fuel today, God, that was a better tonic than anything the doctor can prescribe...

Interestingly, on the way home I felt some heat coming through the vents, I put the fan on full and had some very decent heat output which is a little confusing, it then tailed off to a warm effect by the time I got home some 10 minutes later. this led me to wonder, just what the hell is going on with my heating? you can see that the large flaps in the middle vent are working which at least shows something is working. I did switch on the demister to clear the windscreen at the beginning of my journey ( fuel station is only 20 mins away) and I noted some warm air coming through the vents with the demister on which quickly dispersed?, nothing like what I experienced later after it had been switched off again?
Regarding the lazy lifter, I'm still struggling with this as it just doesn't sound like a lifter me (I've heard stuck lifters and this is nothing like it), my son, however, is sure that it is a lifter, it sounds too 'tinny' to me and it's gone instantly? The cause may go undiscovered until my son has time to get the car up on the ramps and give it a good check over, it's a metal to metal contact sound but it resonates, if that makes sense? the closest that I can think of to describe it is like a fan blade tip clipping something and then pushing whatever it is away, it's only there on first startup with makes it more confusing? Not sure it would be right to say it's a cold thing, what i mean is, yes the engine is always cold when first started but to think it's something that once hot goes away may be misleading. I can go back out in the car after some hours when technically the engine is 'cold' and the sound wouldn't be there? I'll be going out late this afternoon and I know that the sound will not be there.
Basically when I turn the key, the engine fires up, there's a squeak which we think is the power steering belt and this 'clang' sound, perhaps 2 or 3 high pitched metallic sounds, very shortly spaced and all gone within a second or two? Both sounds start and disappear together but not sure if they are linked? It is a bit of a head bender to say the least...