ORIGINAL: andrew_churcher Hi Boxsey, Couple of questions mate about the track day on the 24th July. Apologies in advance if any of these sound daft.... 1. Can you send the details of where you are staying the sat night before hand as I will most likely need to travel up on the sat arv and stay up that way the night before.
We're staying at the Hilton at East Midlands airport. It was £45 per room when I booked it a while ago. Just google it to do an on-line booking. 2. I need to sort car insurance which covers some trackdays. I know you mentioned classicline. I will try them. Any other good contacts? Mannings? CCI? Let me know. Classic line policy sounds good though
I presume yours is up for renewal so yest Classicline is a good option. They provide free cover for club trackdays and charge one off fees for non club days (about £50). For the latter you need to tell who is running the trackday and it has to be billed as a Porsche day (as ours is) for them to provide cover. I believe CCI will give one off cover for a trackday if you go that route. 3. I am going to grab a helmet and check i fit in the car with one on (try and sort this asap). I am tall (6'4) so tbh not sure if I will or not (might have to open the sunroof!! haha). Worst case - if i dont fit and still come along any chance of getting a refund on the purchase price and just get some passenger laps and hang out for the day? Just thinking ahead in case i dont fit in the car with a helmet
Most trackday organizers will not let you have the sunroof open unless the car is a cabriolet. Again, trackday organizers generally only give refunds if they cancel the day. If you find you're just not comfortable on the day, then yes you can go for passenger rides instead. 4. Any other tips for novices? I am going to watch your youtube vids to get a look at the track but I will be taking it prettty easy as the car in my pride and joy and dont want to bin it. In saying that I do want to give it a spirited outing on the track..just not at 10/10ths or exceeding my ability. I dont want to be holding people up and them getting the hump etc though i assume that if i follow the track etiquette and move over for faster cars all should be sweet....??

There will be plenty of novices there. Listen to the drivers briefing where the etiquette is drummed into people. Go on the sighting laps which are slow and designed to put you at ease. Then get an instructor to go out with you on your first proper session (I presume you have already booked one?). Failing that, get an experienced driver to go out with you who can watch the mirrors and tell you when to pull over and even give you some tips about the track. 5. thinking out loud - 1. Any tips for air pressure in tyres? higher or lower than normal? 2. Oil - i am going to carry a 1 ltr top up with me - as i reckon mine will burn some - good idea? 3. What happens if my car has a mechanical fault - eg: clutch packs it in etc etc? will i be stuck at the track on a sunday?
Leave your tyres at normal pressures to start with. Check the pressures after a couple of track sessions. They will have gone up. If you like, you can then let some out - for a beginner I would suggest letting air out until the pressures is about 2 psi above the normal pressure. Don't top the oil before you go on track. The engine will run much hotter, the oil will expand and the level will look like it's gone up. Top up at the end of the day when the car has cooled back down to normal temperature, if it looks like it needs it. If you get a mechanical fault, most of the normal recovery services will get you home (presuming your a member). Anything else on the day, just ask.