ORIGINAL: rob.kellock So, where to start? Here is a good place!
Back home after an incredible weekend involving some of the country's greatest driving roads, our own private top class race track, 4 Spyders in total, 214 Porsches on a Prom and great banter with some top guys. Friday afternoon was spent here:
Friday night line up:
Ready for Saturday morning's early start. So early I took a photograph of a bag for you all.
But the early start was worth it because we got this place all to ourselves:
Spyder was unbelievably good. Superb instruction from Merv revealed he had more than a little soft spot for the Spyder. It's grip was phenomenal. It was me that needed a rest, not the car!
Saturday night also spent at the famous inn but we missed you flat6. Got the money shot this morning though.
One or two Porsches made it to the prom at Llandudno.
Oh yeah, and would you believe Team Mangetout's latest recruit was generous enough to throw me the keys to this beauty at Anglesey and let me go out alone for a few laps? I still can't, oh my word, what a beast!!
And just for fun, look what was waiting for me in the en suite back home!