Back to 5 OPC cars. One of the White ones has gone. Was the one at £40K but couldn't tell you the spec other than it had sports seats as they all did. Was only around a couple of weeks but don't know what set it apart. <Edited to add a 'new page' pic[ORIGINAL: kitchens Doing a wee troll of the car sites and it looks like a total off 13 cars are up for sale 13 to many i hear us owners all say []. And not a red one in sight [
] Private and Independents 4 White 1 Silver 3 Black and range from £33K- £39K all various spec and mileage most 2010/11 OPC 4 White 1 Black 1 Silver and range from £36 .5 for a 2009 to £42 K