ORIGINAL: rob.kellock Who you go with plays a big part. Could easily be dull in the VIP suites with people who are too cool to show any passion or interest. I took my 14 year old son. The closest he has been to hearing an F1 car being used in anger before was when one got fired up on a trip to Specialist Cars of Malton. We were sat next to a Dad and his son, just behind a Dad and his son. The atmosphere in the grandstand was brilliant, people cheered Lewis Hamilton every single lap. The last 8 laps were unbelievable. There was a giant screen directly opposite us and full race commentary so we knew exactly what was going on, save that, obviously, you couldn't hear the commentary as the cars were passing. I do agree that the Sky coverage is great - I am quite looking forward to watching it. I also agree that the Classic Events are very appealing but, yesterday at least, there was something pretty magical about watching Lewis drag his way from dead last to 4th and nearly making it on to the podium. I last went to the British GP 12 years ago and it was a very different experience - queues to get in , queues to get out, horrible toilets, muddy tracks to drive down etc. I only went yesterday (for all the reasons given by MrD and Andy) because Tom's ticket was a birthday present but I am so glad I did. I would defnitiely go again (but with ear protectors - schoolboy error). View from the seat: