Turbo's are not to fast for the road because you have the Torque to play with in low revs. A NA 500BHp high reving car like the GT3 is to fast for the road because you cannot get to the sweet spot. too fast for the road does not mean you doing 120 mph is too fast, people with these cars hit 100mph most days, but we don't talk about it. when I mean too fast for the road I am talking about gear ratios and not being able to drive the car as intended as you need bigger/longer roads to rev the car out. hence why the Spyder on a B road at 85mph or so is a great car, it brakes better than most due to the weight of the thing and the engine is on song at those sort of speeds so you can use it. I ran my 911 Turbo beating TTRS with 430lb/ft torque is was not too fast for the road as I had that torque at 2k revs, you just get there quicker ;-) as an example of speed it did 20-40mph in 1.2 seconds which was a laugh vs any other car on the road. yellow new page pic to match the sun we are having