ORIGINAL: tyinsky So you have messed with the camber, changed the toe, added some aftermarket spacers? No wonder it handles differently. Not saying your car handles badly for all your personal tinkering, just different to how Porsche with their massive experience and knowledge set the Spyder up (for road use). Good for you Mr Demon.

Back steps out on the standard car as set up by the factory. I like it that way. On Michelins.
The back does NOT step out from factory spec, I doubt you will hear any owner here saying the back steps out in the dry. Do he maths, mid engine 265 rear tyres with neg 1.8 camber vs 235tyres and neg 0.5 front camber, with a soft rear ARB . The rear set up for so much grip and for the car to understeer once the limits of grip have been breached. Porsche set the car up for even more understeer and if you drive more than 20mph the car will reck it's outside front tyres. They have to set the cars up safe. Just seen a OPC car for sale and the outside of the front tyres were all cracked and recked. Again changing front camber gives more front end corner grip , saving your tyres and also make the car understeer less. If your cars over steering now in the dry your rear toe is prob out from what it should be. Front spacers help turn in and again make the car more tail happy, fitting rear spacers for looks like many do makes the car push. All my adjustments are to make the front more planted, so it can go faster and not wash out or kill tyres. I have done nothing to increase rear end grip at all, the car out the box is quite slow to drive. Ofcourse if you like the way your car is now , that's great means you can keep the speeds down and get the rear sliding about. But it's not as Porsche intended with their massive experience and knowledge

Porsche with the R which came later tinkered with the R more to be more driver focused, it has stiffer springs and a stiffer rear ARB to allow the driver to bring the rear into play and a tad more front neg camber. Porsche state even today with the GTS models the Cayman is the better drivers car speeding a extra month after the Boxster with the handling team. As we all know more girls drive Boxsters . new page new "you have been spotted in France pic)