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Are Spyders Becoming Extinct At OPCs!

ORIGINAL: daro911 Hi Bill as you know my Spydering is only ever done 24/7 in topless mode...
You're not alone - here's Ted Walker at Bicester last Sunday proving that a Spyder is suitable for winter motoring.
How was that meeting? I was tempted to go.
ORIGINAL: rob.kellock That looks so old fashioned. You should upgrade to the new Cayman PDK. I will give you a good p/ex price... Only joking - looks amazing, please give me first refusal if you ever make the same stupid decision I did!
Thank you for the comments! Very pleased with it. Rob i am down for the new 981 Spyder but i can’t see it being as unique as this Spyder. However i will come to you first as the car will either be traded or sold if I do go ahead. Highly recommend the Moto floor tiles i have down in the garage if anyone is looking for garage flooring too. Phil
Thanks Phil - I always had a philosophy that cars were a bit like ex-girlfriends - never go back [:D] I still have a soft spot for the Spyder though.
ORIGINAL: rob.kellock Thanks Phil - I always had a philosophy that cars were a bit like ex-girlfriends - never go back [:D] I still have a soft spot for the Spyder though.
But can you now afford one Rob?[;)]
They will be cheap as chips once the 981 comes out... [:D][:D][:D] Just like those old 356s and air cooled 911s, nobody wants them! [;)]
The 981 will be produced in such numbers that they will become more common than the standard Boxster[;)]. Porsche are not going to make that mistake and do another limited run off of just 230 cars as they did with the 987 Spyder.[:eek:] Here is the proof Rob, another one to buy, strike while you can still afford it![;)]
ORIGINAL: jdpef356 The 981 will be produced in such numbers that they will become more common than the standard Boxster[;)]. Porsche are not going to make that mistake and do another limited run off of just 230 cars as they did with the 987 Spyder.[:eek:]
John it took Porsche 3 attempts to get the market right for the 911 Speedster. Gen 1 65 UK cars for a market of probably 20. Gen 2 UK car numbers were down to just 14 examples and similar again with Gen 3 but this time to make it cost effective the car came to market fully optioned and one of the most expensive examples of a 997 you could get So maybe they have learned making 237 987 Spyders was IMO about 130 too many to create an instant classic and make a decent profit hopefully the numbers available in the UK will be corrected with the 981 Spyder even if they have to do a 997 Speedster exercise again and seriously load up on the options as standard with enough margin to make it far more profitable than the 237 987's ever were and priced accordingly to match the exclusivity would be the way to go after the success of the 997 Speedsters
ORIGINAL: MrDemon there is not going to be that many 981 Spyders in the UK
If so, do you stick with the original 987 Spyder or newer 981 Spyder.. hmm..... Are we near to the embargo date for both GT4 and 981 Spyder!? Phil
ORIGINAL: kitchens more on the GT4 if any one is interested
Wrong forum Brian this one is strictly for topless lovers[:D]
What you are all forgetting was the spyder was built as a third car in the boxster line up bit like the Gts and nether as a limited production model!the fact it never sold well was down to the roof and so if there is a 981 spyder with a more user friendly roof it will sell in large numbers!forget all this limited numbers for the 981 spyder/gt4 they will be built with the same ethos as the 987spyder/r of which the latter sold 5000+ worldwide! Also if said new spyder does not have gt4 engine as per rumour and is not built to next year it will end up being a smaller cc turbo! But for now and I believe for the future the 987spyder will retain its crown as the hallowed boxster!
Whether to stick with a 987 Spyder or upgrade to a 981 Spyder depends on the type of buyer. Many Spyder owners bought second hand, for varying reasons. Some hadn't been aware of the Spyder when they were being sold new. Some weren't be prepared to pay in the region of £58K for an optioned up car (though it was only £4K more than a Boxster S base, so depends on how you like your options) and some, like myself couldn't afford a new one. With all those different types of owner, and assuming the 981 Spyder will cost more than the 987 which had a base price of £48K, some will want the latest and greatest and some won't have the choice due to budget. Now that the Boxster Spyder has such a high profile, some will be snapped up by collectors or people who want to drive the latest 'must have' car in the magazines for a few months before selling on and some may be bought by those looking to make a fast buck on a highly sought after new car. For me I doubt it would come down to which one to have as both are 'modern' cars so the newer one will in general be 'better', however you define better in your own mind. With regards to considering driving the classic / original versus the new one, for me they're too close in era to be considered like that. Both have DFI engines, PDK transmission option etc etc so the newer car will have some advantages having newer tech in all the fundamental components. When you have a gap like water cooled versus air cooled or some other significant step change in era, for me then there's more to consider in terms of how one makes you feel versus the other.
ORIGINAL: philnotts99
ORIGINAL: MrDemon there is not going to be that many 981 Spyders in the UK
If so, do you stick with the original 987 Spyder or newer 981 Spyder.. hmm..... Are we near to the embargo date for both GT4 and 981 Spyder!? Phil
Feb 15th GT4 and April the some thing for the Spyder.
ORIGINAL: philnotts99
ORIGINAL: MrDemon there is not going to be that many 981 Spyders in the UK
Feb 15th GT4 and April the some thing for the Spyder.
I thought you was saying the embargo for gt4 was 5 th feb?and the April date may be the 981.2 as some internet sources think it was a turbo engined 981.2 boxster being tested and not a spyder/ gt4 which could be true as the boxster 981 and 991 are both due for replacement this year as both mid cycle now!
ORIGINAL: MrDemon Feb 15th GT4 and April the some thing for the Spyder.
How come not a single spy shot of the Spyder testing if it's going to be announced in April I was told info will be known late summer well after GT4 is out and about [&o]
ORIGINAL: daro911
ORIGINAL: MrDemon Feb 15th GT4 and April the some thing for the Spyder.
How come not a single spy shot of the Spyder testing if it's going to be announced in April I was told info will be known late summer well after GT4 is out and about [&o]
I forget the dates I was told, was not paying much interest in the Spyder stuff and was more about gaining GT4 info. Porsche seem to be changing their minds quite late on in the game though, so what you hear one day is now not the case today. No spy shot because all info will be on the GT4 and 991 GT3 RS in the next 2 months. Spy shots are NOT spy shots are they ? they are Porsche released shots :) the Spyder will only hold my interest if it has a working roof and the 3.8 engine ie an every day car one can really use with a load more BHp ie 1 car owner ship, the 987.2 Spyder is a fun car, you really need another car and it's already an icon. I don't knock the 981 SPyder as I know zero about it, but cannot see it being as bespoke and raw as the outgoing car. there is a lot of noise about the GT4 and the car getting the 991 engine and 380BHp and it being a true drivers car now the GT3 is NOT and that's quite some move on Porsche part for the Cayman. also at 70k with options that's 30k over your 987.2 SPyder to move into one, no car is that much better to spend 30k on the move over to one imo. if they get it wrong the 981 Spyder could look even more like a MR2 more so than the 981 does now. I def not a 981 Boxster fan. I don't even like the 981 Cayman shape that much but cannot turn down what the GT4 will be so taking the risk on it and selling the R lastest is not always best, Porsche are very Audi these days
ORIGINAL: MrDemon lastest is not always best, Porsche are very Audi these days
I have never been an Audi fan but bought my other half a Q3 Petrol and have to say it's behaved impeccably, excellent build quality inside & out so who knows maybe they helped Porsche raise the game on their latest interiors [:D]
ORIGINAL: daro911
ORIGINAL: MrDemon lastest is not always best, Porsche are very Audi these days
I have never been an Audi fan but bought my other half a Q3 Petrol and have to say it's behaved impeccably, excellent build quality inside & out so who knows maybe they helped Porsche raise the game on their latest interiors [:D]
I loved my TTRS and yes the Q3 is great , why buy a Macan over a Q3 for 20k more ? but the new range of cars are for the mass market in the Porsche line up, not for us old school manual die hards, if Porsche is like an Audi buy a cheaper Audi :) If I had the cash I would buy a mk3 TTRS no question over a 981 base model Cayman as a every day runner. the GT4 threw a spanner in the works and I decided to get my name down very early, so now holding out for that car.

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