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Are Spyders Becoming Extinct At OPCs!

I alway look at the front and rear number plate to see if they are the same. (Before some bright spark say the Registration, I'm talking about the names underneath Supplied by XXXXXXXXX. Odd ones and I want a positive answer from the seller, and I also look more carefully at these areas.
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Lowest priced Spyder in a long time [:-] Porsche Boxster Spyder (987 Gen II) Guards Red Sports Bucket Seats Spyder Wheels CDR Switchable PSE Sports Chrono FSH with OPC (Last 2.5 years Leicester)
ORIGINAL: DarrellWilson Begs the question, why sell it so cheap? Might want a quick sale but with that spec you'd still achieve it closer to £40k.
It's the wrong colour for starters [:D][:D][:D]
ORIGINAL: daro911 Lowest priced Spyder in a long time [:-] Porsche Boxster Spyder (987 Gen II) Guards Red Sports Bucket Seats Spyder Wheels CDR Switchable PSE Sports Chrono FSH with OPC (Last 2.5 years Leicester)
ORIGINAL: tyinsky Sold.
ORIGINAL: daro911 Lowest priced Spyder in a long time [:-]
As people predicted gone in a flash [8D]
It's clearly one of the best cars they have made in recent years, I can't think of many Porsches (at least since they ditched the air cooled engines) that have been so interesting. Was going to ditch mine for a 997 GT3 not long ago but sense took over - I doubt it is double the fun To justify it being double the money.
Trust me, it isnt.the GT3 is absolutely sublime , but...... Very hard to engage with at legal speeds on the roads, it doesnt really start to come alive untill you are over 100 mph, and then it feels so right!! The Spyder gives 90 % of the fun at a lower speed without quite such a big risk to your license. On track its a different outcome.
ORIGINAL: Mayhem911 Trust me, it isnt.the GT3 is absolutely sublime , but...... Very hard to engage with at legal speeds on the roads, it doesnt really start to come alive untill you are over 100 mph, and then it feels so right!! The Spyder gives 90 % of the fun at a lower speed without quite such a big risk to your license. On track its a different outcome.
Horses for courses - My experience with a GT3 left me feeling short changed as you rightly say unless you are revving way higher than you can on our roads low down pulling power, feel, and soundtrack left me stone cold compared to same roads at same speeds in a Spyder PSE on roof off superb [8D] Get on a track and then the GT3 comes to life like expected but as I never track my cars complete waste of space having one in my garage [:D]
ORIGINAL: DarrellWilson Begs the question, why sell it so cheap? Might want a quick sale but with that spec you'd still achieve it closer to £40k.
easy answer, again like the £40k car for sale this car is for sale above trade price with those miles. If it don't sell I guess the car will get traded with Porsche Lei. A safe buy for some one for sure. (And now SOLD) that was quick lol wonder if 911 V bought it or a private sale.
ORIGINAL: daro911
ORIGINAL: Mayhem911 Trust me, it isnt.the GT3 is absolutely sublime , but...... Very hard to engage with at legal speeds on the roads, it doesnt really start to come alive untill you are over 100 mph, and then it feels so right!! The Spyder gives 90 % of the fun at a lower speed without quite such a big risk to your license. On track its a different outcome.
Horses for courses - My experience with a GT3 left me feeling short changed as you rightly say unless you are revving way higher than you can on our roads low down pulling power, feel, and soundtrack left me stone cold compared to same roads at same speeds in a Spyder PSE on roof off superb [8D] Get on a track and then the GT3 comes to life like expected but as I never track my cars complete waste of space having one in my garage [:D]
I don't really have GT3 hassle, they just seem to get in the way. Over hyped track cars imo and poor road cars.
That was quick as you said .It belonged to a guy on PH Timbo post quite a lot on the Spyder section , has had the car for years ..strange it was sold so cheap As Darrell said could easily got £40k Wonder in Natt bought it?
£40k for a 30k mile car, no way. I know the price the OPC was going to retail that if it got traded and it was sub £40k even from the OPC. lets see if it pop ups private in which case the buyer did ok, or a dealer at £39k It was to cheap yes but still above trade so the seller must be happy to get a very fast sale above his trade bid.
ORIGINAL: MrDemon £40k for a 30k mile car, no way. I know the price the OPC was going to retail that if it got traded and it was sub £40k even from the OPC. lets see if it pop ups private in which case the buyer did ok, or a dealer at £39k It was to cheap yes but still above trade so the seller must be happy to get a very fast sale above his trade bid.
I agree 36k was private money all the way trade today I reckon it was 32k max

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