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Are Spyders Becoming Extinct At OPCs!

ORIGINAL: daro911
ORIGINAL: MrDemon I'll be selling mine if these start going at £50k :)
And what would you replace it with that would deliver similar depreciation and thrills going forward [:-]
well if I made £12k on the Spyder and £15k on the GT4 and broke even on the R, I would try a 458 for 12 months which would offset 60% of the profit and see what happens in 2017. I feel like more comfort for my daily and more hard core for the week end, but really want to have a 458 for a while. end up with R8 V10 plus and a Lotus Elise CUP 220. or some thing like that after the 458 try out. (or even the MK3 TTRS as my daily when it comes out and the Elise CUP) A lot depends what I think of the GT4 I guess.
A 458, i would love one but i can not get the man maths to add up to one so i will go for another Atom after the Spyder. I just miss the drama of the Atom even tho the Spyder is a true classic and a joy to own. With a nice speced Atom at over 50K i will have to look at the new MX5 for those not so warm days also and the Paceman for my daily. Well thts the plan today, tomoro is an other day
Bit of a clean today. not bad since it has just done a 4 day wet wales hoon and track day. Looks better than most cars 1/4 it age ;-) I know you guys love clean arches and shiny bits
Be careful out there kids - My 3 series fell of the jack last year and crushed my hand as I was just finishing fixing a disc shroud - not funny ! Just had another op on it !
ORIGINAL: spyderwhite
ORIGINAL: Nattyboy Theyve both been around a while. I was pm'd about the white one asking me if I wanted to put an offer in. People just getting carried away with prices -
Sorry but you approached me and enquired about the car which I kindly told you about but you wanted something cheaper! What did you end buying and paying as a matter of interest? Is a one private owner late build low mileage car worth the same money as something over a year older with 5 x the miles and perhaps 3/4 owners? which you sent a follow up PM saying you'd take an offer ? I bought a really nice one owner car in the end for £38k with everything I needed. With all due respect, as nice as I'm sure it is, is your low mileage car really worth an extra £12,000 ? You did ask....
ORIGINAL: johnnyspyder* I do not believe that is a current picture of your car. I suspect that it was taken on the day you picked it up!!![:D]
it was not that bad to be fair, but yep that is a current pic :)
Most of my past cars are owned by Pistonheads members and most still have them as keepers. I tend to sell private but hunt out really top spec top price cars when I buy, very fussy buyer. But yes my cars are well looked after and money no object for upkeep. All this rubbish you see of people not wanting to change plugs at 4 years seems odd. My cars get every thing and more. so, pads are changed 1/2 worn, tyres well has to be pilot super sports or cup 2's And as for running, shell v power 100% and I do mean 100% be it going to Spa or Wales etc, my cars have never not had v power. No revs above 3k till 3 miles, then not above 4k to 5 miles then a bit more above that. Yes hey get used well but boy they do get most of my wage and well looked after, way more than my house etc much to my oh annoyance. :) petrol for blood me.
ORIGINAL: Nattyboy Be careful out there kids - My 3 series fell of the jack last year and crushed my hand as I was just finishing fixing a disc shroud - not funny ! Just had another op on it !
That sounds nasty!
ORIGINAL: MrDemon Most of my past cars are owned by Pistonheads members and most still have them as keepers. I tend to sell private but hunt out really top spec top price cars when I buy, very fussy buyer. But yes my cars are well looked after and money no object for upkeep. All this rubbish you see of people not wanting to change plugs at 4 years seems odd. My cars get every thing and more. so, pads are changed 1/2 worn, tyres well has to be pilot super sports or cup 2's And as for running, shell v power 100% and I do mean 100% be it going to Spa or Wales etc, my cars have never not had v power. No revs above 3k till 3 miles, then not above 4k to 5 miles then a bit more above that. Yes hey get used well but boy they do get most of my wage and well looked after, way more than my house etc much to my oh annoyance. :) petrol for blood me.
nice one David, so good to meet such a passionate petrol head. 2 hours per corner, OMG if i had to pay you to do my car at your hourly rate i could afford a 458 [:D]
lol takes me 2 days to polish it, but I do lose interest so tend to do 1/4 of the car at a time, and as you see only one arch at a time. just try and do it early spring but the weathers not been great this spring. My GF does say I love doing it, but act I don't that much(ok I do but in short stints) after 2/3 hours I tend to pack up and do some thing else. I would be no good as a detailer, if I had to do it all in a day only a 1/4 of it would be 100% the rest would get worse and worse lol. some times it can take me 4 weeks to do the whole car in a manor I am happy with. lucky with the Spyder it's 97% dry use car so it never gets bad, My R is a daily and I don't bother with the arches, it's pointless on a daily. I am a car nut not mental :)

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