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New members welcome and photos

Hi and welcome Rob. Lovely car and hope to catch up at one of our many events this year. I'm sure Clive will be along shortly to add his welcome too. I have changed your "status" to club member.[:)]
Many thanks for the speedy and kind reply[:)] both Trish (my long suffering partner/Cayman S owner) and I look forward to meeting the PCGB fraternity soon[:D]
Welcome Rob, Lovely looking car, beautifully set off by the aero kit and black wheels - and with all those cleaning products on the back shelf, you should always be able to turn it out in pristine condition. [;)] Looking forward to a closer look at one of our events sometime soon. Not had your details through from HQ yet, but will be touch again when I do. [:)] Regards, Clive.
Thanks very much Clive[:D] I did email Jade over a week ago to amend my register details, also left a voicemail today, but nothing heard back as yet.....[:(] hopefully HQ will let you know soonest. Random question (and the first of many[:D] ) Would you be able to tell me how to get a 997 register widow sticker? I've perused the forum, last mention (to my knowledge) regarding these was over a year ago? Any help is always well received Rob
ORIGINAL: Guinesstu Would you be able to tell me how to get a 997 register widow sticker?
I hope that's a typo...............[:D] Clive will send you one..a sticker that is...[;)]
Rob, You need to contact me at once you've received the welcoming pack I will send out and I can then organise it for you. Regards, Clive.
ORIGINAL: tscaptain
ORIGINAL: Guinesstu Would you be able to tell me how to get a 997 register widow sticker?
I hope that's a typo...............[:D] Clive will send you one..a sticker that is...[;)]
Blinking iPad.....(any excuse!) yes window, not widow sticker [:D] re welcome pack, as I'm new to PCGB, my assumption is I must wait until HQ have confirmed my register change details before I submit a request to you? Rob
Hi all Nick here. Been lurking for a month or so as I got used to my new 997 CS. Perfect car for me, and I feel pretty lucky to get it. Some of you who (like me) stalk 911Virgin's website might have seen it for sale for what seemed like a while. When I first saw it it was perfect, but I wasn't ready to take the plunge - I had a 350Z to sell first. In the meantime I tested a few at OPC Solihull, which convinced me the 911 was the one for me, but none of theirs floated my boat. I was avoiding 911V as I didn't want to be dissapointed this one had gone. Lo and behold, one thursday night I cracked, and it was still there. A 9am call later, and a deposit was down. Coincidentally, I was even working 10 mins away from their showroom that very next week. It was clearly meant to be.....or so I convinced myself.... Anyway, spec: CS 08 model year, Sports exhaust, sport chrono plus, manual, sports shifter. Alcantara steering wheel, hard backed sports seats with aluminium back, charcoal sport design wheels, 5 mm spacers all round according to the service record which really sets the stance apart I think. Ocean blue leather. Good to say hi at last! Hope to find time to participate in the group. Cheers! Nick Incidentally, sorry for the thumbnail, I appear to be too stupid to make my pictures look nice in the message. Sigh.
Hi Nick[:D] pleasure to welcome a newbie (such as myself) firstly, that's a nice looking beast indeed:) I suppose it's a tricky choice deciding A, do I purchase Porsche? and B, which one? But I think you made an excellent choice there[:D] As for your despondency regarding photo upload, yes I originally feared it's was an enigma to post a decent picture, however the guidance notes on the 997 forum helps enormously, it just takes a wee bit a tweaking/fettling in preview mode, but you'll get there I'm sure. If not, there are plenty of good people to advise[:)] Anyhoo welcome, and enjoy the worlds finest vehicle [:)]
Hi all, I have recently joined the club and forum, having just purchased a 2009 Gen 2 C4S. 35k on the clock. Grey with black leather. Sports Chrono pack, heated sports seats, PCM3, adaptive xenon lighting, cruise control and a bloke with a big grin in the front seat. Based down in Devon. Bad picture attached
Just around the corner then, if you ever fancy a meet up I would love to see the Cayman. email is Regards, Rich
ORIGINAL: Borehole Just around the corner then, if you ever fancy a meet up I would love to see the Cayman. email is Regards, Rich
Hi Rich and welcome. E-mail sent to you regarding Region 15 and the 997 register Alan

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