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New members welcome and photos

Hello all, Just a quick hello from another new guy. I dont own a Porsche yet, but I am working on (read arguing with) some dealers for a decent px deal on my current car. I am the naughty side of 40 and although some would say it is a mid life crisis, I would argue that with regards to cars, I have been in mid life crisis for 20 years. I own a C63 AMG with the power upgrade LSD etc... but I have always had this niggle that says I really should buy a Porsche Turbo. I have not even so much as sat in one, but that does not stop the feeling that I should own one. I am going to try and get along to the next R17 club night which is at OPC Portsmouth, in May and hopefully meet a few of the locals. I am not sure if there is a turbo owner among them, but if there is I will be chatting to them. Anyway, wish me luck and hopefully I should be in a Porsche in a few weeks. Jason p.s. I am not telling the other half about shopping for a Porsche. I thought she might enjoy the surprise. How brave am I?
Hello all, just introducing myself as a new 997.1 turbo owner. Very pleased with this 11,000 mile 2006 manual turbo I picked up yesterday in Bonnie Scotland. I lost my composure and didn't take any really good pics on collection; just wanted to get the paperwork done and get in it to drive it![:)]
The 230 mile drive home was effortless in any gear, but the drive was relaxed and composed too (will explore the car a bit more on more familiar roads). Even the torrential rain that lashed us as we stopped in the village of Biggar for their traditional fish, chips and brown sauce, could not dampen our spirit [:)]
Wanted to go a bit old school for my first 911, but not too old school and this fits the bill perfectly. After the first drive i'm even more sure it was the right choice. I was planning to change the wheels to Sport Classic but i'm not so sure now as the turbo wheels do look much better than expected in the metal and are a signature of the gen 1 car.
ORIGINAL: flat6 Hello all, just introducing myself as a new 997.1 turbo owner. Very pleased with this 11,000 mile 2006 manual turbo I picked up yesterday in Bonnie Scotland. I lost my composure and didn't take any really good pics on collection; just wanted to get the paperwork done and get in it to drive it![:)]
The 230 mile drive home was effortless in any gear, but the drive was relaxed and composed too (will explore the car a bit more on more familiar roads). Even the torrential rain that lashed us as we stopped in the village of Biggar for their traditional fish, chips and brown sauce, could not dampen our spirit [:)]
Wanted to go a bit old school for my first 911, but not too old school and this fits the bill perfectly. After the first drive i'm even more sure it was the right choice. I was planning to change the wheels to Sport Classic but i'm not so sure now as the turbo wheels do look much better than expected in the metal and are a signature of the gen 1 car.
Congratulations and I hope it is as water tight as your last Porsche ...enjoy [;)]
Congratulations on the choice of motor and colour, the register is down on Red at the moment [;)]
ORIGINAL: flat6 The 230 mile drive home was effortless in any gear, [:)]
This is what I always think is part of the Turbos appeal.. Enjoy it..
ORIGINAL: flat6 Hello all, just introducing myself as a new 997.1 turbo owner. Very pleased with this 11,000 mile 2006 manual turbo I picked up yesterday in Bonnie Scotland. I lost my composure and didn't take any really good pics on collection; just wanted to get the paperwork done and get in it to drive it![:)]
The 230 mile drive home was effortless in any gear, but the drive was relaxed and composed too (will explore the car a bit more on more familiar roads). Even the torrential rain that lashed us as we stopped in the village of Biggar for their traditional fish, chips and brown sauce, could not dampen our spirit [:)]
Wanted to go a bit old school for my first 911, but not too old school and this fits the bill perfectly. After the first drive i'm even more sure it was the right choice. I was planning to change the wheels to Sport Classic but i'm not so sure now as the turbo wheels do look much better than expected in the metal and are a signature of the gen 1 car.
That looks very smart in Guards red, Cecil. Congratulations :)
ORIGINAL: flat6 Hello all, just introducing myself as a new 997.1 turbo owner. Very pleased with this 11,000 mile 2006 manual turbo I picked up yesterday in Bonnie Scotland. I lost my composure and didn't take any really good pics on collection; just wanted to get the paperwork done and get in it to drive it![:)] The 230 mile drive home was effortless in any gear, but the drive was relaxed and composed too (will explore the car a bit more on more familiar roads). Even the torrential rain that lashed us as we stopped in the village of Biggar for their traditional fish, chips and brown sauce, could not dampen our spirit [:)]
Wanted to go a bit old school for my first 911, but not too old school and this fits the bill perfectly. After the first drive i'm even more sure it was the right choice. I was planning to change the wheels to Sport Classic but i'm not so sure now as the turbo wheels do look much better than expected in the metal and are a signature of the gen 1 car.
Looks really great - your not kidding you lost your composure - you left it all alone in the middle of the street![;)][&o] Enjoy Cecil[8D]
Thanks tyinsky, jdpef356. Yes John, I was ensuring a good distance from the kerb to protect the wheels [;)] I think it was a safe distance[:D]
The best colour by a country mile...[:D] Get the splitter painted red too - looks so much better than the black one[;)]
Nice car having owned a red turbo you will not be disappointed. If you decide on a red front splitter I could possibly help with an aerokit front splitter nicely painted in guards red just make me an offer. Hopefully we will see you on a 997 register drive in the future. Geoff.
ORIGINAL: flat6 ....It's hard to clear your head and measure other cars on what they are supposed to be, but also, thinking about the next car after the Spyder it depends if you want more of the same type of experience. If I wanted to stick with something uncompromisingly 'sharp', I'm tempted by the 4C. If I want effortless power and torque and the increased usability of 4 seats, i'm tempted by the 911 turbo....
Looks like you succumbed to the temptation ;). Well done! best wishes FBR
Thanks guys[:)] As someone said to me, red is the new white lol [:D] Yeah I have been thinking about the front splitting. It's actually the only part on the car showing any wear, not from scrapes underneath but on the front face, just from being the foremost, lowest front surface I guess. I was wondering if I had it painted whether the wear would look even more dramatic on red paint? I would look good though given that this car already has the side skirts. Hi Geoff. Thanks for the offer but one thing i've welcomed with this car over my last is the extra ground clearance. I do like the Aerokit Turbo but if I was to sacrifice ground clearance, i'd want the cool looking rear wing too[:)]
ORIGINAL: flat6 I was wondering if I had it painted whether the wear would look even more dramatic on red paint? I would look good though given that this car already has the side skirts.
As it only (normally) gets scraped on the underside it doesn't show unless you crawl around on your hands and knees! You could, alternatively, buy a second splitter and get it painted and then swap them back and forth depending on where you are going! Easy to do yourself. Definitely worth doing though....
It does look good on yours Alan! And I see you had the rear done too. Will get some centre caps with coloured crests in the mean time whilst I mull it over [:)]

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