ORIGINAL: 944Turbo
Hi All,
It is important to understand where the peak torque occurs. I can use my own car as an example. Peak torque on my car appears about 1000 rpm lower down compared to Mark K's. Mark K's car makes maximum torque at about 5,000 rpm which is where you need it for the fastest acceleration - this is one of the reasons why his car accelerates so quickly. [
I am not sure I agree with this :- if you had no torque at 4500 rpm and then peak at 5,000 of say 450ftlbs and then none at 5,100 you would need an automatic gearbox to gain any benefit.
To accelarate quickly you need a torque curve that is closer to being flat across the engine range you want to work in - decided by the gearing and max revs you are going to run the engine to.
To feel like you are going quickly you can be flat off boost and then ramp up to higher levels giving you a kick in the back old school turbo stylee, unfortunately you will by now be playing catch up with those who started accelerating sooner. Admitedly on track you are less likely to drop down the revs but unless you are customizing your gearing for each circuit you still may suffer in some corners.