ORIGINAL: chriscoates81
Car: 1999 carrera 2 coupe manual
Renewal Date: Just done august
Age: 24
Postcode: hu17
Occupation: aircraft fitter
No Claims Bonus: 6yrs
Protected: yes
Where Kept Overnight: driveway
Cover: fully comp
Drivers: self and spouse
Licence held/time: 7 years
Useage: sdp & C
Mileage limitation: 12000
Legal Protection: yes
European Cover (days free): not sure
Guaranteed: Courtesy Car: yes
Breakdown Cover: yes
Drive other cars: not covered
Accidents: none
Convictions: none
Tracker required: no
Insurance Company/Underwriter: Adrian Flu Insurance / Aviva
Premium: £1200ish
Excess (Accident and theft): 500
Notes: its strange to see that while im the youngest here my premium isn't the highest.
see i do not understand this? i just called them, im 26 and have 5 years no claims, no accidents etc same car and they want to charge me 1300? oh and i have a secured garage?