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What do I get for membership?

ORIGINAL: barrysmith

Peanut, are you a paid up member of any thing?. would be very interested to find out what floats your boat.?

thats the sort of typical response one expects . I have already expressed my interest in the forum and offered to pay a contribution but you are so keen to have a sarcastic dig that you haven't bothered to read all the posts have you.!

If the club is so keen to attract membership perhaps it should consider asking non members what might attract them to belong to the club instead of telling us what we should want and how lucky we are with what is currently being offered.

I'll tell you what floats my boat as you so elequently put it . Mikes response about the Norton club probably sums up what I would appreciate a club offering me.

I have been a member of the Norton Owners club for 30 years. It has everything PCGB has plus a spares scheme that commissions the manufacture of parts that would be unavailable. Their own videos, manuals and technical information for novice to professional mechanics and even a members help team if you break down.
It makes no distinction between the model of Norton you have or its colour

Just paid the £17 subscription



Thanks. Lots of answers.

First off, as I said, I'm not out to antagonise, please don't take any of this post (or thread) as being such. It is a genuine question.

Magazine: OK, but if I wanted a magazine then I could subscribe to GT Porsche for less than £45 a year. I don't know what GT Porsche is, it's merely the first hit when "Porsche magazine subscription" is typed into Google. The fact that I don't know the name of a Porsche dedicated magazine probably tells you all you need to know about how much I care for magazines; I wouldn't join any owners club for the magazine (unless it came with a free 944 in every issue. Which I suspect Porsche Post doesn't!)

Events: Again, not really my thing although I will confess that the 944 owners events I have been to (non PCGB ones) have all been very enjoyable. I need to keep a more open mind on this, I am sure. Basically, walking around a field looking at shiny metal for a day isn't my cup of tea. Getting stuck into some hands-on maintenance, tinkering, or driving, is much more my thing. I am guessing that PCGB events are more of the former than the latter, but that is an assumption only, based on my distinctly negative experience of the Frontrunner event last year.

Secret areas of the forum? I expect I am being discussed on there right now ... please discuss away!

10% off OPC parts prices is great, but I have yet to spend a single penny in an OPC. Despite Exeter reputedly giving a huge discount to everyone (not just PCGB members) they were still nearly three times as expensive as an independant supplier when I was looking at a clutch kit. Yes, three times. They would need to be offering a discount of over 60% to be in the running, not 10%. (I am told that they are competitive on other bits, but my experience is distinctly otherwise!)
ORIGINAL: Chris Charlton
Oli, you are the definition of a parasite!
Thanks. I've been called worse. I shall bear that in mind every time I ever make the most of a free service of any kind whatsoever.

John, thanks for writing what you did. What sort of discounts are available, and from what suppliers? Give me an idea of what can be saved. As I said, the cheapest prices I find for parts are from suppliers who don't give PCGB discounts anyway. Same question goes for the insurance providers - I seriously doubt whether the broker I currently use would knock any more off for being a club member as I haggle pretty hard as it is (and they are consistently a LOT cheaper than the rest - ongoing relationship counts for a lot there methinks.)

Porsche Post and technical articles - see my comments above. There is a wealth of technical articles on the web, and particularly on this forum.

Regional Meetings. That's a good one. In a sense, I would love to be able to make it to a regional meeting. (Personal History - I was a very active member of Club GTi for a number of years, and ended up semi-running a region as well as writing for Rabbit - the CGTi magazine - several times a year.) Snag is that I don't think that time will permit it. Maybe that's a failing on my behalf rather than someone else's, but the challenge to that is that there is little point in paying for something that you are not going to use. I would also question why you need to be a club member to visit an informal meeting of enthusiasts, or does PCGB buy the drinks and food at such events? At CGTi regional meetings you bought your own, is the same not true of PCGB regional meetings?

Websites don't run themselves for free. But they don't cost nearly £70 per member per year to run either. I browse two web forums regularly - this one and Pistonheads. Both are free. OK, one supports itself by advertising and has a different business model. Fair enough - their choice. From a user perspective it's all much the same to me.

People are the strength of any club. But if I will struggle to find the time to attend anything other than a forum then this is, again, of no benefit to me. I will add that I throughly enjoy my time on this forum, and the people here really make it.

"Join because you should" / "It's the done thing" / "You should support the club" - not buying that one. I am making a decision on whether to spend £70 or not. I need to know what I am getting for it. We're talking about a club membership, not a charitable donation.

"Clubs are what you make of them" - absolutely. And I am not sure how I could make more of PCGB by joining. What would be the difference in experience to that which I have at the moment? I notice that I have posted quite a number of times on here in the last 3 years, and think I am probably getting as much out as I am putting in. Would I get as much out again if I took the next step up to membership? That is what I am dubious about.

As I said, I am not trolling for an argument here, and hope it isn't coming over as such. I am merely wondering, as I have done many times before, what extra there is to get if I was to be a member. £70 is a reasonable chunk of cash - the cost of a couple of 944 services, or a tank of high-octane juice - and I am not sure that I would get value for my money.


P.S. Apologies - in my first post I said membership was nearly £80/yr. I read the website as being £69 plus joining fee, not including. My mistake.

I wrote that last post about 2 hours ago, then had supper and came back to press 'submit' ... there's lots MORE answers here now.

Perhaps PCGB shot it's own fox somewhat by allowing non-members to use their forum? The challenge to that is that the forum is what attracted me to PCGB, and I would probably not have come across the club (let alone considered membership) were it not for this forum.

Keep the answers coming. I am genuinely interested to read them.


Without wishing to offend, don't you think you have a rather selfish and self centered view. I was always told you reap what you sow!! If you don't contribute to anything, you can't expect to get anything from it.

Why should members pay for a forum so that you can enjoy it. Put simply, pay up and be part of the club like the majority of us or go and play somewhere else !!!

ORIGINAL: peanut

ORIGINAL: barrysmith

Peanut, are you a paid up member of any thing?. would be very interested to find out what floats your boat.?

thats the sort of typical response one expects . I have already expressed my interest in the forum and offered to pay a contribution but you are so keen to have a sarcastic dig that you haven't bothered to read all the posts have you.!

If the club is so keen to attract membership perhaps it should consider asking non members what might attract them to belong to the club instead of telling us what we should want and how lucky we are with what is currently being offered.

I'll tell you what floats my boat as you so elequently put it . Mikes response about the Norton club probably sums up what I would appreciate a club offering me.

I have been a member of the Norton Owners club for 30 years. It has everything PCGB has plus a spares scheme that commissions the manufacture of parts that would be unavailable. Their own videos, manuals and technical information for novice to professional mechanics and even a members help team if you break down.
It makes no distinction between the model of Norton you have or its colour

Just paid the £17 subscription


If you find the question's difficult to answer, I will take it you do not pay to be a member of any club,
Why should members pay for a forum so that you can enjoy it. Put simply, pay up and be part of the club like the majority of us or go and play somewhere else !!!

Without wishing to offend in return, that sounds very much like "We all feel slightly sore about how much we have agreed to pay, you should pay as well even if you don't agree."

If membership offers such a plethora of other benefits (as posts on here are trying to persuade me) then rest assured that I am not enjoying them.

For what it's worth I am not a member and it makes little sense I become one, though I would be happy to pay a fee for the running costs of this forum.
ORIGINAL: zcacogp


I wrote that last post about 2 hours ago, then had supper and came back to press 'submit' ... there's lots MORE answers here now.

Perhaps PCGB shot it's own fox somewhat by allowing non-members to use their forum? The challenge to that is that the forum is what attracted me to PCGB, and I would probably not have come across the club (let alone considered membership) were it not for this forum.

Keep the answers coming. I am genuinely interested to read them.


Oli I couldn't agree more with what you have said. You have said exactly what has gone through my mind almost word for word.
I wouldn't change or add anything either.
Clearly we would be looking for pretty much the same things from a club .
I particulary agree with the regional meetings comment. What if anything does the PCGB have to do with organising and holding regional club meets at local pubs etc ? If the club folded what would be lost from the local meets ?

I do not consider myself mean or hard up but I do question what possible value for money return the club could offer me for a £70 membership fee . Thats almost as much as my various professional Architect /Surveying membership fees . An absurd amount of money for membership of a car club imo

Why should members pay for a forum so that you can enjoy it. Put simply, pay up and be part of the club like the majority of us or go and play somewhere else !!!

fine if that is the view of the PCGB membership I'll happily go elsewhere . I wasn't aware you were spokesman for the club's membership. If that is the general consensus then the Club should let us know and I'll leave. Pretty soon you will be the only people left here .

The only self centred and selfish person I can see is you given your comments

its about time this forum put up or shut up. If its members only then say so
ORIGINAL: peanut
its about time this forum put up or shut up. If its members only then say so

I think you and I are very much of one mind on the general notion of PCGB membership, and I really appreciate all you have said on this thread. Our viewpoints are so close as to be one.

BUT ... go easy on this one. A) I don't want this thread to descend into a row, and B) I really, really enjoy this forum, and don't want to cause a rift. I think that if it became members only it would change a lot, and probably not for the better (but I am aware that everyone hearing (/reading) this will claim I have a vested interest.)

<Off to bed. I expect there'll be pages and pages of discussion on this by tomorrow, but I'll have been banned so won't be able to read it! [:)]>

I won't try to convince anyone to join who isn't interested, but can say hand on heart I've really enjoyed my years of membership and my only regret is I don't have time both to attend more events (karting, Manx tour and so on) or get involved as a volunteer. For the £51 it currently costs me (much less than a tank of fuel and only slightly dearer than subscription to many other magazines) I think it offers good value.

I would like to respond to some of the points above and add that in my experience there are benefits for us 'mere' 944 owners (and btw I've never found any discrimination or elitism at club level). The OPC discount is real and in my experience they are the cheapest on a lot of non consumable items (even take something simple like the glovebox hinge for example).

Another example, recently I made the mistake of buying some rubber seals from another source, they were poor, didn't fit and have gone in the bin, the genuine replacements were actually no more expensive (I should have checked!) and will fit first time. Needless to say I've spent quite a bit in the last 12 months on body panels and have saved an awful lot of money, enough to pay for quite a few years of membership. There are other benefits, the tensioner tool being available for loan to diy'ers is a good example.

I couldn't give a stuff about formal events and the like, but the club has so much more to offer for all the different types of enthusiasts. It may still be a long way from perfect, but I think it's definately heading in the right direction at the moment.
Again, not wishing to offend subscribers to PCGB, I have to fall in behind Oli and Nick to a degree. As a relatively new user, I hold an open mind on the benefits or otherwise of the membership. The BMW 8 series I am also a member of is again free, does not have a subscribed (as in fee based) membership area, the members there are no less enthusiastic about their 8 series toys than Porsche owners. Indeed there is a worldwide meeting to celebrate the anniversary - which I intend to attend.

In defence of Oli, and some of the posts "you only get out what you put in", I must say Oli has always been helpful, and responded promptly to mine and many other posts. (besides his sense of humor) so to this end I do belive he contributes. I have also read a number of posts from peanut which have also been useful to the "new" owners of the marque. To me this helpfulness is what makes or breaks any forum not some of the elitist comments one see's.

In the fulness of time I will probably take up membership, I guess that at a quarter (existing members) or 1/3 (new members)of my Winter fuel allowance it gives me a further reason to stay in and burn the remainder of said allowance.

I wish both PCGB and the forum itself well, and hope it continues for more years than I will be around.

I am about to also post a technical question, it will be intersting to see the uptake on that one.!!
ORIGINAL: peanut

.......its about time this forum put up or shut up. If its members only then say so


In honesty I find such comments rude and unhelpful. You are, in effect, a guest on this forum. A guest of a Club you seemingly choose to abuse and belittle. If you wish to remain welcome here I would suggest you temper your attitude.

I have fought and argued long and hard to keep this forum open to non members because a number of non members do make a valuable contribution to the forum community. Regrettably, with such an attitude I wonder why I bother. As far as people being rude and elitist, I would respectfully suggest that it may be your attitude that encourages such a response not the people themselves.

With regard to savings, a selection as follows:-

AA 10%, Porscheshop 5-10%, Design 911 10%, TRS Motrosport 10%, Chipsaway 10%, Sea France 10%, Warner Breaks 25%, Paintshield 10-20%, K300 10-15%, Holiday Inn 25% on weekend leisure breaks, Protyre Motorsport 10%. OPC spares 10%

We don't need to arrange the manufacture of discontinued parts for 944s as (as far as I am aware) there aren't any. We do have a 944 technical advisor who will help Club members with their technical questions. We have had technical demonstrations and seminars in the past and, if members request such, they will be arranged again.

Front Runner is probably one of the more low key events of the year, although it still takes Geoff considerable time to organise, but should not be considered indicative of such events. The Cotswold Rally caters for 150+ cars but is only open to members. These events don't happen by magic - people put in a lot of time and effort organising them. I take considerable offence at a non member even commenting on how good, or otherwise, they are.

Regional meetings also don't happen by magic. They need some structure to advertise, promote and organise them. They need the time and enthusiasm of a Regional Organiser and the support of members. You could arrange for a group of mates to meet at a Pub for a chat but, in my experience, such unstructured gatherings seldom last more than a couple of meetings.

Pay for membership and you are more than welcome to comment on the Club, its events, structure, expenditure, products, forum, what it does or doesn't offer (in your uninformed opinion) or anything else. If you don't I would be obliged if you would be sufficiently polite to keep your opinions about the Club to yourself while using the Club's facilities.


Perhaps the above demonstrates some of the passion and enthusiasm we have for our Club. That must tell you something.


In honesty I find such comments rude and unhelpful. You are, in effect, a guest on this forum. A guest of a Club you seemingly choose to abuse and belittle. If you wish to remain welcome here I would suggest you temper your attitude.

my comment was in response to a members comment that in his view I should pay full membership fees to use the forum's facilities or clear off.

I found that comment rude and offensive buy hey in your eyes clearly anyone that doesn't pay fees like you shouldn't be entitled to have a view of their own should they John!

I also put a lot into this forum because I enjoy helping people where I am able and I enjoy sharing my interest with fellow forum members (PCGB members or otherwise)
I do not have any interest in going along to some swanky venue at an over-inflated cost to look under a thousand bonnets and kick tyres for the day comparing lengths of Porsche club wallets.

Nor do I wish to meet at pubs once a month (hate pubs and tee-total) so I do not see why I should be coerced into paying full PCGB fees for using this forum which in my view is ours anyway.

If you and other members feel so aggrieved about people using this forum without contributing to the costs of running it then I suggest that you put this stupid perrenial argument to bed once and for all. If forum users are expected to pay for using the forum then post the fee and I'll pay but I'm dammed if anyone is going to force me to pay full membership fees to pay for access to this forum where I contribute far more than I receive anyway.

I know you won't do this, its clear that this ridiculous debate will continue until some idiot pulls the plug and we all lose out . Then all the PCGB members that voted for kicking out non members will complain that nobody is using the forums .

I feel very angry about this because its this sort of elitist attitude by certain PCGB members that will eventually spoil this forum in the same way that as it is making membership of the club untenable to many of us.

please feel free to remove or edit my post or ban me afterall I haven't paid any fees and therefore am not entitled to express my view here


Which bit of the concept of being a guest don't you understand?

In my (reasonably well informed) opinion, you have contributed little to this debate as your views of this Club are out dated, misinformed and blinkered. Almost every argument you have made as to why someone shouldn't join this Club have been wrong.

Your attitude does not help the cause of those of us who have campaigned to allow non members to use this forum. Those that would see this forum closed to non members will, no doubt, use you as an example as to why non members shouldn't be allowed access. They are entitled to their opinion, as they are members. As far as this forum is concerned, as a non member, you aren't entitled to anything.

You are a guest here, now either treat your host with the courtesy that such could reasonably expect or please leave.

Ouch. It does somewhat seem that I have kicked a hornets nest and am slightly surprised at the result. As I have said from the outset, I'm not trying to have a row here.

Stu - thanks. I do like to think that I at least pull my weight here. And, applying the "getting out what you put in" addage I do get a LOT out of this forum, but perhaps because I put a reasonable amount in. Peanut/Nick is another example of this - he is a regular poster on here, and the forum would be a lesser place if it wasn't for him. John, I know that there has been debate about keeping the forum open for non-members previously, and I happen to think that the structure as the moment is correct; this forum is a great advert for PCGB and for the 944 model particularly. It is, without peer, the best enthusiasts forum I have ever been priveliged to be a part of. And I mean that sincerely. Don't take this thread as being in any way ungrateful, and thank you for campaigning to keep it open to non-members.

BUT (and here comes the question), I am looking for a reason to go further. This thread was started with no malicious intent, just a simple question - "What do I get for membership". To use a business analogy, I am someone walking into a shop having enjoyed the adverts and free samples, saying "OK, I could be interested, sell me the product". I am a punter, a potential member, with £70 burning a hole in my pocket, being tempted to think about membership. In response, I have had comments that have ranged from helpful (thanks John and Peter) to vituperative and being called a parasite, with the general tone being that I have an obligation to join and that I am some kind of pariah if I do not.

Would such a sales pitch for anything incline you to buy it? Does this particular sales pitch tempt me any further to join the club? Do the assembled masses who I would potentially be addressing as 'fellow members' make this sound like a club I want to be a part of? Or the exact opposite?

Peter, thanks for your comments. They have been genuinely helpful. My only response would be that your savings on purchasing parts must be far greater than average because you are (as I have said before) not a terribly average owner! [;)]

I take considerable offence at a non member even commenting on how good, or otherwise, <PCGB events> are.

John, please re-read my comments posted earlier. If, after having done so, you think I was critical about any PCGB event then please accept my sincere apologies - that was not the intended message. I said I wasn't impressed by the PCGB event I went to and I also said I had a negative experience there. I chose my words carefully and deliberately tried to avoid criticising the event itself. I very much appreciated being allowed to come along as a guest, and if I was to criticise it from such a position then such comments would have been offensive in the extreme. I particularly tried to avoid doing so. (I will add that if you want me to remove those comments from my earlier posts then please let me know and I shall do so forthwith - I respect your position as a moderator here.)


You have asked a worthy question well from the very offset and continued your debate sensibly and appropriately. You are exactly the sort of person we fight to keep the forum available to.

I am further convinced that, with your attitude and enthusiasm, you could gain a great deal of enjoyment from Club membership. As a member, I am sure, you would be a significant asset to the Club.

Unfortunately, without making that jump it will be difficult to demonstrate. I remain convinced that, without trying too hard, you would recover a good proportion, if not all, of your membership each year through discounts. After that the rest is a bonus. We do strive to give members what they want. This isn't always possible immediately but, without knowing what people want we have no targets.

The Club is coming up to 50 years young. People must find some reason to be part of it or it wouldn't have carried on for so long. Once in it is surprising how your social life evolves. There are times when I have considered changing for something other than a Porsche but then am aware that my friends, and social life, are so embroiled with the car that I couldn't. Perhaps a sad reflection on me but, none the less, it gives me pleasure.

At the end of the day what is any Club for? It is a mechanism for people to get together and enjoy each others company - all the rest are trimmings.
Morning John, non members say they are willing to pay to use the forum,

So if we say 15 pence a day , half the price of a stamp, they get a lot of pleasure with all the banter , if they didn't they would not be here.

So 15p x 7 days =1.05 x 52 weeks =54.60 good value I would say

but for a further 40p you get to be a full member,

Some thing to think about would you not agree
ORIGINAL: barrysmith

Morning John, non members say they are willing to pay to use the forum,

So if we say 15 pence a day , half the price of a stamp, they get a lot of pleasure with all the banter , if they didn't they would not be here.

So 15p x 7 days =1.05 x 52 weeks =54.60 good value I would say

but for a further 40p you get to be a full member,

Some thing to think about would you not agree

A worthy proposal, well argued as always, Mr Smith. [:D]
What I like about Peanut is that he seems so well balanced-in having a chip on both shoulders.It's a bit like watching bad TV -you know where the switch is if you don't like it.Sure there are some Porsche nerds & you don't have to like them or bother talking to them but all members I have met are great guys and not all spending wads of money on new Porsches.I wouldn't either as I am interested in many hobbies from sailing,windsurfing,gardening,playing the piano & organ to continuing to improve our cottage on the IOM.(hence no money for brand new cars).I did go to the RS day again this year at Oulton Park along with my in son & we had a thoroughly enjoyable day with good company,enjoyed many passenger laps in both a 993RS & 968CS(thanks to Mark & Big Dave) & chatted to many friends about 924S's,944's,968's.964,s,993's.RS's etc updating the knowledge base,extending the aquaintances & making contacts.
All very "soft" stuff really but a brilliant time,and I do things on all my cars,using knowledge gleaned from Porsche Post(like curing plate lift on the 964),changing belts on the 924S(didn't know I could borrow a tensioning tool).The Woodvale event R18 is a fine example of a great day out without pretensions of grandure catering for even the poor people like me with £2000 924S's.

Cheap at half the price![:)]

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