ORIGINAL: steve 944t I think I may have broken my car! Blew out lots of coolant after my last session, hence calling it a day (coupled with no brakes [:-]) Drive home was ok, but temperature fluctuated a lot, though didn't overheat. Lots of gurgling noises. Coolant level low again on checking tonight, coupled with lots of pressure in the system. Hoping it is just an air lock, but can't ignore the possibility of HGF [

] On the positive side there is no evidence of oil in water or visa versa, but fitting of level 2 kit with a 25 year old head gasket may have been asking for trouble. I know, I know "we told you so" but I was planning a major overhaul this winter. May have to bring that forward. Annoyingly, daughter's birthday party this weekend and trip to USA next week means no time for further investigation just yet so will have to wait and see. Fingers crossed. Planning on doing the Javelin Bedford day on 27th July though so will just have to bite the bullet if it comes to it. Oh, and the 996 has a noisy clutch release bearing so needs a new clutch imminently! Porsche - there is no substitute! [
