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what did you do to your 944 today

ORIGINAL: A9XXC Washed both 944s quickly!
More pics here - [link=]My Cars[/link]
For a brief moment, I thought my dog had been dog-napped ! Also have blue merle, with that same idiot grin...... will have to see if I can get a picture of her sitting in front of mine at some point. At least you can wash the car in less time than it takes to wash a rough collie. Nice picture, Alan
Today I swallowed hard and made the very brave decision to trust a garage to look at WUF's running issue. My experience is that letting a garage do anything off book (even a very good garage) end in tears every time. Unfortunately after 8 months sitting in the garage I have to face the fact that its just not getting anywhere with my uneducated tinkering. Rick has taught me much from our conversations but there's so much more to learn that I'm just stabbing in the dark at the moment and I want to get it running as my main car. Just sitting in it again reminded me how much I love the 944.
Local company called RGS motorsport in the midlands. I knew a guy who knows the guy who started the place (tenuous link) and they have a pretty good, long standing reputation. Been around as long as I can remember. They mainly play with the big Jap import stuff but they do a lot with cars running stand alone management and the mapping guy has some familiarity with the Wolf 3D system WUF is running on - which may come in useful if the problem does turn out to be the recently repaired ignition amplifier (because if it is.. its being replaced). I HOPE I have placed a safe bet and all will go smoothly, so WUF will be out munching A roads before you know it.. but only time will tell! My fingers are crossed.:rolleyes:
Gave it a quick wash, then popped over to Sheffield for the monthly classic car meet. apologies for the poor photo [&:]
Thanks Alan She's my wifes dog, had her longer than me (8 years to 7 for me). She is a really fantastic dog - won smiliest dog ar Porsche and Polo last year! You have a square dash too.
I actually started ours today. The Oval dash car has pretty much been ignored since we bought the '83 square dash.
ORIGINAL: homesea Darren When is the meet? is the retro rides one? Might pop along to one [8|]
Yeah its the Retro Rides meet, its held on the first monday of every month so the next one will be on April 4th, should be good what with all the extra warmth and daylight. [8D]
I don't believe it! 6 months off the road worrying about this undiagnosed running fault, had it trailored to the garage this morning and within an hour they had diagnosed it and fixed it! All down to one damaged connector. Total cost 1hr labour at £65 and £10 for the best connector possible so it doesn't happen again! I am officially over the moon and hopefully travelling back home to pick the car up this weekend so I can drive it home. Boy am I looking forward to a good drive in her again!! I'll be avoiding the motorways and taking the A roads back down the country I think[:D]
had a nightmare with mine as there was a fuel leak from the fuel filter which then turned out to be the pipe perished away to more cracks than rubber but upon dropping the tank to change the pipe the metal strap fell to pieces so had to fabricate a new one :( still to got emission problem to look at tomorrow
Gave it a good blast down the motorway to Manchester and back over the weekend to attend a friends wedding. Light traffic, very pleasant drive. 460 Miles from the tank and the light is just on, favoured speed over economy for most of the drive.
Drove mine for the first time with its Promax Level 2 conversion and another chapter of the ongoing refurb, and am absolutely loving it. I will now be smoking it round for a couple of months until it goes into Daytona Coachworks to be brought right up to the mark body-wise.
Rechecked the belt tensions with one of the club's tools before putting everything back together and closing the bonnet for the first time in months. Just got one rear flexi line to replace with braided hose and then I can bleed the brakes and drive her for the first time since November. Stuck 5 litres of V-Power in in readiness as the fuel light was on after running to bleed the system. Northern924 helped me out too and we checked his belts and they were spot on too, happy days!
Nothing, been working in Estonia this week and despite selling mine actually quite missed it! Looking forward to taking her for a drive tomorrow
Enjoyed a good run up the A1 + A414 in the recent sunny weather. Car seems running better than ever and pulls great. I just changed to a fuchs racing oil so maybe its a placebo effect! Feels good though! Edd
Great news DivinE!! I have done over 600 miles in mine this week and it hasn't skipped a beat, must treat it to a wash and polish at some point...

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