Guys, sorry haven't posted for a while, but I can't access the forum through my work PC so it has to be done at home.
I understand and share the frustrations. I've put in a call to Geoff Turrell today for an update - I missed a call from him yesterday.
However, the reason that progress is slow, I believe, is that there is no compelling driver for an upgrade or a fix. Put yourselves in the shoes of PGB or PAG for a moment. Yes, they have some unhappy clients, with some out-of-date software, but what are the implications of this ?
1. The cars still work - they're not off the road.
2. 20 odd people complaining is significant, but compared to the xx thousand Porsches a year sold in the UK it's not.
3. Customers may walk - buy an AMV8 or something - but 9 out of 10 of us, I would guess, want a Porsche and will buy one anyway.
4. Maybe those without brand loyalty in point 3 above will be back for a 997 turbo or GT3 anyway.
5. TMC works abroad, so technically or legally don't we already have it ?
So in essence, we are asking for a goodwill gesture from PGB/PAG. There is no COMPELLING REASON for upgrading our cars beyond customer satisfaction.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm just trying to take a balanced view. I still want the upgrade, I'm still pushing along with Derek, and I will do until we get some action. But remember whilst we may be morally in the right we are asking for goodwill, and from a commercial perspective I can't see a compelling reason for action. They may well do this for us, but it's going to be in their timescales.
I know that off-the-record, the guys at Porsche are disappointed with the sat-nav, maybe even embarassed by the poor out of date maps and TMC licensing problems in the UK, which in turn gives them issues to resolve with their suppliers etc. In fairness to them, our issues were only formalised at the BH Festival, and it's been only a month, during which they have to arrange for the UK launch of the 997 C4's and the Cayman etc. Plus it's September, one of the busiest months for registrations, and it's the end of a quarter, and there has been the Frankfurt show etc.
So, TMC is important to us, and customer satisfaction is important to Porsche. But is TMC as important or urgent as some of the events above ? Derek and I have still got the board invite at the end of October, and we're still talking to PGB, so there is still communication ongoing and it's not over yet ! They haven't said no, they haven't said we are wrong.
And if anyone can give me some more compelling reasons for Porsche to take action please do - we need all the ideas we can get !